PPI Wins Award At Digitech Award 2022

JAKARTA - PPI won the award for The best Digital Technology Project in Trading Industries and The Best Chief Information Technology Officer (Tri Wahyundo Hariyatno) in the Digitech Award 2022 event

The award was received directly by PPI President Director Nina Sulistyowati and PPI Operations Director Tri Wahyundo Hariyatno at Hotel Mulia Jakarta, at the end of last March.

The award is a valuable appreciation and acknowledgment to corporate business and government service agencies in Indonesia which are considered successful in terms of digital innovation and technology implementation, both in management systems and customer service.

The event, which carries the theme "Embracing Digital Economy with Corporate Digital Risk & Governance", is supported by experts and professionals in the fields of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Strategic Management, Finance, Banking, Insurance, Research and Innovation.

This event also aims to encourage the improvement of the company's business through the development of policies and implementation of ICT and company innovation, especially in the face of changing developments in the business world.

Organizing the awarding this time is a challenge in itself as well as proving that all companies and companies will continue to improve their performance, especially in terms of digitalization, especially because of the COVID-19 pandemic which requires companies to continue to survive against and through digitalization.

"The Digitech Award this time is very special because it coincides with and relates to the moment of the G20 Presidency which carries the tagline Recover Together, Recover Stronger. We know, for more than two years we and companies have been affected by the pandemic, if we can't implement digitalization, we will have only names or names left. not developing," said the Head of the 2022 Digital Technology & Innovation Award Organizer Irnanda Laksanawan, in a written statement, Thursday, April 7.

Indonesia officially hosts the Group of Twenty or G20 for a year from December 1, 2021 until the G20 Summit in November 2022. As directed by President Jokowi, in this event, Indonesia carries the tagline "Recover Together, Recover Stronger" which focuses on three main agendas.

Digital Transformation is one of Indonesia's three main agendas in the G20 Presidency. Digital transformation is considered to be able to accelerate the acceleration of national and global economic recovery.

PPI in its transformation towards digitalized trading logistics continues to strengthen the digital structure in every business process. Call it Warung Pangan which is an application that can be used by MSMEs to buy and sell the availability of food commodities in their place of business to the wider community. This was conveyed by Tri Wahyundo Hariyatno, Director of Operations at PPI.

Furthermore, the technology ecosystem at PPI is related to the implementation of digitalization that supports back office and frontliner (sales) activities to meet customer needs.

Like Elmira for Supplier Database, Arlita for procurement, Wina as an application for warehouse and transport, Qontak Sales Force for Order facilities, each of these ecosystems is connected in the ERP dashboard and Microsoft Dynamics 365 and ERP which benefits provide convenience in doing business with PPI in terms of partner information, information on the availability of raw material supply, competitive prices, information and production capacity projections, sales information, sharing capacity and utilization of warehouse and transportation, optimization of distribution channels as well as management of integrated procurement, logistics and warehousing. This was conveyed by Nina Sulistyowati, President Director of PPI Member ID Food.