Official! Sri Mulyani Withdraws Crypto Taxes Starting May 1, 2022, Minister Of Finance's Men: A New Chapter Of Indonesian Taxation, For Justice And Equality

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance has finally imposed a tax levy on crypto transactions and mining activities starting May 1, 2022.

This was revealed by the Special Staff of the Minister of Finance, Yustinus Prastowo, today. According to him, this policy is a big step in realizing the national tax reform agenda.

Sri Mulyani's subordinate explained that the strategic efforts taken were a manifestation of the spirit of wanting to bring balance and eliminate inequality in society.

“A new chapter of Indonesian taxation. For the sake of justice and equality, starting May 1, 2022, Indonesia will officially collect crypto taxes", he said via his personal Twitter account @prastow on Thursday, April 7.

Yustinus also ensured that in the early days of implementing this rule, the tariffs applied were quite low and fixed.

“No need to worry, the rates are low! Crypto asset trading is subject to 0.11% final VAT and 0.1% final PPh 22", he said.

Meanwhile, for crypto initiators, the amount of tax collected is slightly higher but still in the sloping category.

"Crypto mining is subject to 1.1 percent VAT and 0.1 percent final PPh 22", he stressed.

For information, the decision to tax cryptocurrencies is a continuation of Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning the Harmonization of Tax Regulations (HPP).

The big umbrella regulation was then lowered through technical rules in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 68/PMK.03/2022 concerning Value Added Tax and Income Tax on Crypto Asset Trading Transactions.

In addition to the crypto tax, Sri Mulyani also released 13 other PMKs as part of the extension of the HPP Law.