Riau Governor Forbids ASN In His Staff To Break Fast Together

RIAU - Riau Governor Syamsuar issued a Circular Letter (SE) Number: 95/BKD/2022 regarding the prohibition of holding or attending joint iftar and sahur activities during Ramadan 1443 Hijri, in order to suppress the spread of COVID-19. government policy regarding the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) and following up on the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia on March 23, 2022 at the state palace," Syamsuar told reporters in Pekanbaru, Thursday, April 7. to conduct an open house activity for Eid al-Fitr 1443 H, because currently it is still the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, he said, this SE is addressed to the head of regional apparatus in the Riau Provincial Government so that it can be followed up on ASN and non-ASN, so that the transmission of COVID-19 can be prevented. again suppressed. "The transmission of COVID-19 can be reduced if prevention efforts are made and all employees, ASN and non-ASN in the Government environment Riau Province, in carrying out the Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1443 H worship, always maintains health protocols," he said, quoted by Antara.

Wash hands, he said, wear masks and maintain a safe physical distance and avoid crowds. Head of the Riau Provincial Health Office Zainal Arifin said based on data from the COVID-19 Handling Task Force in Riau Province through the Riau Province Health Office (Diskes), on Wednesday (6/4) /2022), recorded positive cases of COVID-19 increased by 31 people. The most additional COVID-19 cases today still occur in Pekanbaru, which is nine cases. Next, Kampar has two cases, Pelalawan has zero cases, Indragiri Hulu has two cases, Indragiri Hilir has two cases, Dumai has zero cases, Meranti Islands one case, Bengkalis two cases, Siak five cases, Kuantan Singingi (Kuansing) withered, Rokan Hilir zero cases, Rokan Hulu zero cases and from outside the province seven cases. Zainal. Meanwhile, 66 recovered patients and one more case of death due to COVID-19 increased, bringing the cumulative total of COVID-19 cases in Riau to 150,267 cases. Of that number, 145,510 people recovered, 4,41.6 people died, 291 were self-isolating and 50 people were hospitalized. The coverage of the first dose of vaccination in Riau until April 6, 2022 was 97.12 percent. In total, 4,700,913 people were vaccinated with one dose or 97.12 percent of the target. Then, the second dose of vaccination was 3,683,406 or 76.10 percent. The coverage of the elderly vaccination reached 232,127 people or 71.98 percent and the second dose reached 169,519 people or 52.59 percent. Vaccination of children with dose one coverage was 532,965 people or 74.83 percent and dose two reached 344,289 people or 48.34 percent.