Ministry Of Home Affairs Says Election Stages Begin June 14, 2022 After Jokowi Asks To Stop Postponing Discourse

JAKARTA - The Secretary of the Directorate General of Politics and General Administration (DG Polpum) of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Imran, stated that the 2024 General Election phase will begin on June 14, 2022.

Imran said this calculation was based on an agreement between the government, the DPR, and election organizers which determined that the 2024 election would be held on February 14.

"The election will be held on February 14, 2024. So, if we count the twenty months of holding the election, it will fall on June 14, 2022," said Imran in the socialization of the draft PKPU registration, verification, and determination of political parties participating in the online election, Thursday, April 7.

With this socialization, Imran hopes that the understanding of the election participants will get clear information that the election process begins on June 14. Thus, they do not experience significant problems when handling electoral files.

"With the ongoing process related to this simultaneous general election and regional head election, at the end we hope that Indonesia will be stronger in implementing the presidential system," he said.

Currently, the General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia has drawn up a draft KPU regulation (PKPU) regarding the registration, verification, and determination of political parties participating in the elections for members of the DPR and DPRD.

This PKPU is still being finalized after a public test held by the KPU. In this regulation, the KPU regulates the requirements for political parties to become election participants, preparation for registration, registration, administrative verification, factual verification, to determination, drawing of serial numbers, and announcement of political parties participating in the election.

President Jokowi had previously ordered his ministers to focus on work. They were asked to stop talking about postponing the election or extending the presidential term.

"Don't cause polemics in the community. Focus on working in dealing with the difficulties we face," said Jokowi when opening the Plenary Cabinet Session which was broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube on Wednesday, April 6.

"Don't let anyone say anything about delays, extensions. No," he said.

He reminded his ministers to have a sensitive attitude or sense of crisis to the difficulties experienced by society today. According to Jokowi, it is more important for his ministers to explain to the public regarding the difficult global situation.