The Ministry Of Religion Of The Republic Of Indonesia Needs 242,080 PPPK Teachers And Lecturers In 2022

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) requires the formation of 242,080 Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) for teachers and lecturers in 2022. "As of 2021, there are 7,380 K2 honorary teachers at the Madrasah Directorate who have worked," he said. Director of Teachers and Education Personnel of the Directorate General of Islamic Education of the Ministry of Religion M. Zain in a written statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 6. He stated that of the 242,080 figures, teachers and madrasa education staff had the most needs, namely 192,008 teachers.

According to him, Commission X of the DPR RI and Kemenpan RB as well as a number of other ministries/institutions such as the Ministry of Finance, BKN and the Ministry of Home Affairs are submitting a proposal for a quota for PPPK teachers and educators from the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia for 2022.

This condition is a breath of fresh air for non-PNS teachers in developing education and educating the nation's children. "God willing, the issuance of a decree and a statement of placement will be given in April 2022, this is what many people have been waiting for and God willing, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion will lead the distribution of the decree. ," he said. He detailed the need for civil servant teachers (GPNS) based on study groups (rombel) which totaled 192,008 GPNS, 46,647 Raudhatul Athfal (RA), 91,778 from Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), 42,773 from Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTS). ), and 10,850 from Madrasah Aliyah/vocational (MA/K). Zain assessed that PPPK was an alternative solution from the state to recognize non-PNS teachers, because as many as 83.44 percent of madrasa teachers were honorary teachers. This data shows that honorary teachers have been the main pillars of learning in madrasas.

"Another thing that is good news is that the budget to meet the needs of teachers' teachers and educators has been allocated by the Ministry of Finance in the range of Rp. 12.2 trillion," he said. approved the proposal for the 2022 MoRA quota for teachers and educators.