Sibolga Police Service Car Hits Pedestrian To Death, Driver Becomes Suspect

MEDAN - A car belonging to the Sibolga Police, North Sumatra, which was transporting vaccines from Medan, hit a pedestrian and died at the scene. It is suspected that the driver fell asleep while driving.

The incident occurred in Jalinsum Sibolga-Tarutung, to be precise in Parsingkaman Hamlet, Pagaran Lambung I Village, Adiankoting District, North Tapanuli (Taput) Regency. At that time, the victim, Marisi Hutagalung (60), was walking at the scene.

Head of Public Relations of the Taput Police, Aiptu W Baringbing, said the driver with the initials Bripka I, a member of the Sibolga Police, had been named a suspect.

"Bripka I as the driver has been named as a suspect and we are currently securing it at the Taput Police Laka Unit," said Aiptu Baringbing, Tuesday, April 5.

Aiptu Baringbing said Bripka I was charged with Article 310 paragraph 4 of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning road traffic and transportation.

"The penalty is 6 years in prison," he explained.

The accident occurred when the car driven by Bripka I crossed the Sumatran Sibolga-Tarutung Road, to be precise in Parsingkaman Hamlet, Pagaran Lambung I Village, Adiankoting Taput District.

From the results of the examination, at first the First Brigadier had just returned from duty from Medan to Sibolga carrying the vaccine. Arriving at the scene, because he was sleepy due to fatigue while chasing time, the car he was driving went off the beaten track.

Unfortunately, at the same time, a local resident named Marisi Hutagalung (60), was walking at the scene.

"As a result, the car hit the victim and dragged him up to 5 meters forward," he explained.

After hitting the victim, the car kept going because the driver was shocked and confused. The car then hit the front porch of a resident's house adjacent to the crime scene.

"At that time the victim was known to have died," he explained