I'm Well! Funds For Services For PAUD Educators In Surabaya Disbursed Tomorrow In Accordance With Eri Cahyadi's Mandate

SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government disbursed funds for services for Early Childhood Education (PAUD) educators for the period January to March 2022 in the capital city of East Java, starting Tuesday, March 5 tomorrow.

Head of the Surabaya City Education Office (Dispendik) Yusuf Masruh, said the amount of funds for services or Jaspel this year has increased, which was originally 0.5 rounded up, however, currently rounding up is only 0.25.

"If it is less than 0.25, it will be multiplied by the nominal coefficient: ratio," Yusuf said during the socialization of the Jaspel fee formulation for PAUD educators in Surabaya, reported by Antara, Monday, April 4.

In addition, Yusuf said that the school principal, who initially did not receive Jaspel, has now also received it. This Jaspel is also a motivation for educators and PAUD units in improving the quality and quality of education and services.

"Thus increasing community participation to include their children in PAUD units," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the PKK Surabaya Mobilization Team, Rini Indriyani, said that the Jaspel fund was a form of appreciation from the Surabaya City Government to PAUD educators for their hard work and sincerity.

"Jaspel funds for PAUD educators for the period January to March 2022 will be disbursed tomorrow (5/4), while Jaspel funds for PAUD educators for the period April 2022 will be disbursed in May 2022," he said.

According to him, this is as conveyed by the Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi at the inauguration of Graha Bunda PAUD some time ago who wanted the Jaspel Bunda PAUD to be paid every month.

"So Jaspel funds in the future will be disbursed every month," he said.

Rini also advised all sub-district/kelurahan PAUD mothers, school principals, teachers, and the community to participate and help socialize the importance of early childhood education for children aged 0-6 years. During the golden age, it is hoped that children will become students in the PAUD unit in Surabaya.

"So that they get the right growth and development stimulation services and good character education for early childhood children in the city of Surabaya," he said.