Indofood CBP, Indomie Producer Owned By Conglomerate Anthony Salim Launches Milkuat Product High In Vitamin C
JAKARTA - PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk (ICBP), a producer of processed foods owned by conglomerate Anthony Salim, launched the product Milkuat Milk Bottle High in Vitamin C as an option to maintain immunity and fulfill children's daily Vitamin C needs according to the Nutritional Adequacy Rate (RDA).
Milkuat Milk Bottle High in Vitamin C offers three flavors, namely Yoghurt, Strawberry, and Orange in a practical 180ml PET bottle that is suitable for children. This Yoghurt flavor is present for the first time in the Milkuat product line, chosen because of its trendy taste and loved by many people, including children.
Milkuat Senior Brand Manager Wibowo Rubitomo said that there are many ways to live a healthier life, including washing hands with soap and being active in regular exercise. Unfortunately, many children rarely eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C and minerals, even though these foods are good for maintaining the body's immunity.
"There needs to be additional intake that helps keep children active and healthy," said Wibowo in a written statement, quoted on Tuesday, April 5.
Wibowo added, Milkuat presents an alternative healthy drink that can help maintain children's immunity through Milk Bottled Milk which is high in vitamin C with Vitamin C content, 90 mg/bottle. 1 bottle per day is sufficient to meet a child's daily vitamin C needs according to the Nutritional Adequacy Ratio.
Meanwhile, Dr. Reza Fahlevi SpA from Klikdokter explained, vitamin C plays an important role in keeping children's immunity strong. If the child is already sick, vitamin C can also help their recovery process to be faster because it helps reduce infections caused by bacteria and viruses. Ideally, the daily requirement of vitamin C for children is 25-50 mg per day and 65-90 mg per day for adolescents.
"That's why when we are sick, vitamin C intake needs to be consumed regularly in the recommended dosage, it can be from vegetables and fruits high in vitamin C or with supplements," he added.