Remind Ramadan This Year Is Still In The Midst Of The COVID-19 Pandemic, Minister Of Religion: Even Though It's Gentle But Still Take Care Of Yourself

JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas reminded the public to continue to pay attention to health protocols when carrying out worship in the month of Ramadan. This is because the COVID-19 pandemic is still happening even though the number of cases has decreased.

"This year, the moment of Ramadan is still in the atmosphere of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though it has been sloping, let's keep ourselves safe by increasing awareness about hygiene and health," Yaqut said in a written statement, Saturday, April 2.

Yaqut said this is the third year that people in the country are fasting in the midst of a pandemic. So, he invites Muslims to make Ramadan this year a momentum to strengthen solidarity and cleanse human residues.

Not only that, he hopes that this holy month will be a moment for all parties to organize and improve their quality. "We are nurtured and educated to become Muslims who are submissive and obedient to Allah's commands. We are also accustomed to building solidarity with others," he said.

According to him, this solidarity with others can be realized if a person is able to remove arrogance from himself. This is part of the human residue that needs to be cleaned.

"It is arrogance to think that we are the most correct, while others are always wrong. It is arrogance to think that we are the most honest, while other people must be cheating," said the Minister of Religion.

Yaqut hopes that people can take lessons in the holy month of Ramadan to clean up these human residues.

"One month ahead in this month of Ramadan, in a month full of maghfirah, in a month full of forgiveness, in a month full of wisdom and lessons, we will be forged to clean up such human residues," said Gus Yaqut.

"We will see later, whether our worship during this month of Ramadan is complete. Will our worship during this month of Ramadan be able to take all the lessons that Allah SWT has given us directly," he continued.

Before closing his statement, Yaqut hoped that this month of Ramadan could have a big impact on the country. How to build solidarity.

"Ramadan Karim, momentum rises from the pandemic for the progress of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. On behalf of the Ministry of Religion, I wish you a Happy Fasting Worship 1443 H/2022 AD," he said.

"Hopefully we all become part of the Ramadan madrasa which will graduate with the best achievements," concluded Yaqut.