Officers Secure 3 Nuri Kasturi Hidden In Pile Of Passenger Bags On A Sea Ship Destination Manado

TERNATE - Quarantine officers in Ternate, North Maluku (Malut) in the Sanana work area have secured a parrot of the Kasturi (Lorius garrulus) type transported by the KM Permata Obi ship, on the Ambon route to Manado, which is transiting at Sanana Harbor.

"This protected bird is not equipped with a health certificate and the owner is unknown," said Head of Ternate Class II Agricultural Quarantine Center Yusup Patiroy as quoted by Antara, Saturday, April 2.

Three Nuri Kasturi were found by Ternate Quarantine officers while conducting surveillance with related parties at Sanana Harbor. The animal was found on deck two with a pile of passenger luggage.

"Our officers in Sanana found three Kasturi parrots who were not accompanied by health documents. During the first search, this bird was not found. However, when descending, our officers heard the sound of a bird. After combing again, it turned out that this bird was found, hidden among a pile of passenger bags, " he said.

Based on Law Number 21 of 2019, transporting animals and plants must be accompanied by a health certificate from quarantine. This rule is to prevent the entry and spread of animal and plant diseases that can disrupt the preservation of Indonesia's natural resources.

He said that without a health document from quarantine, who can guarantee this bird is healthy. "Therefore, we made arrests," he said.

Nuri Kasturi is a native and endemic animal of the Maluku Islands. One of the locations for its natural distribution is in the Aru Islands, Maluku and Halmahera Island, North Maluku. A total of three animals have been handed over to the Maluku BKSDA in Sanana's working area, Friday (1/4).

Ahead of this Ramadan, his party carried out joint supervision in several work areas.

"We anticipate animal and plant traffic that is not accompanied by health documents. We hope this Ramadan will run smoothly and people can carry out their fasting worship quietly and in good health," he said.