Wearing Lipstick While Fasting, Does It Make It Cancel?

JAKARTA – During fasting, many complaints of experiencing dry lips are experienced. The solution that is most often done is to apply lipstick that contains moisturizer. However, can doing this break the fast? The reason is based on the law of fasting, it is not allowed to eat and drink until the time of breaking the fast.

Apparently, there are rules that make it easier for you. These rules relate to various beauty ingredients that are applied to the outer skin. Whatever the beauty ingredients, such as lotions, moisturizers, to lipsticks that moisturize the lips, you can still wear them.

Skin care ingredients may also be used, as long as they are not ingested. How about a scented or scented lipstick? There are various kinds of lipstick products that have their respective formulas. One of them is lipstick with an aroma, such as fruity or coffee-scented. Quoting the Sharia Consultation page, as long as the material that is applied to the lips is not swallowed up to the stomach, it is allowed to be used.

Illustration of the law of wearing lipstick or lipstick while fasting (iStockphoto)

In Majmu' Fatwa, a Muslim asked Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz. Questions related to the law on using eyeliner or liner and other beauty tools for the skin, including smeared on the lips. He gave the answer:

"Blemishing does not invalidate the fast, for both men and women, according to the strongest opinion. However, using this thing at night is better for people who are fasting. Likewise, the effect of using facial care drugs, such as soap, oil, and others, which only affects the outer part of the skin, including henna, makeup, and the like, all of which are permissible for the fasting person. It's just that you shouldn't use makeup if it can harm your face. Allahu waliyyut taufiq." (Majmu' Fatawa Ibn Baz, 15: 260).

Sheikh Muhammad bin Saleh Al-Utsaimin was once asked about how to use a beauty tool in the form of cream when fasting. For the purpose of preventing dryness of the lips, he answered the following:

“It is permissible for a person to moisten his lips or nose with cream, or moisten them with water, a cloth, or the like. However, it is necessary to be careful not to let any part enter the stomach. If something goes into the stomach accidentally then the fast is not invalidated. Like a person who rinses his mouth, if suddenly a piece of food enters the stomach accidentally, his fast is not invalidated.” (Majmu 'Fatawa Ibn Utsaimin, 19: 224).

Through two explanations related to the law of fasting, it means that you can even use lip balm with lipstick. However, do not let it be swallowed into the stomach so that the fast is not canceled before it is time to break the fast.