Investigating The Flow Of Binomo Fraud Funds, The Police Criminal Investigation Unit Checks Indra Kenz's Father And Mother

JAKARTA - The National Police Criminal Investigation Unit continues to investigate the flow of funds in the fraudulent investment case under the guise of Binomo with the suspect Indra Kenz. Recently, Indra Kenz's parents were also questioned.

Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division, Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko, said that the parents of the man or Mr. Indra Kenz had been questioned, on Wednesday, March 30.

"Brother LHS has complied with the investigator's summons for an examination from 15.00 to 18.30 WIB," said Gatot to reporters, Friday, April 1.

During the examination, investigators asked 17 questions. Everything revolves around the flow of funds, for example, receiving money from Indra Kenz.

Meanwhile, Indra Kenz's mother will be examined today. However, it is not clearly explained about the time of the examination.

"For sister S, it is scheduled for an examination at the Criminal Investigation Unit in the day," said Gatot.

Indra Kenz was named a suspect in the online gambling case under the guise of Binomo trading. A number of assets have also been confiscated with a nominal value of IDR 55 billion.

In this case, Indra Kenz is accused of Article 45 paragraph 1 juncto 28 of Law 19 of 2016 concerning ITE. Then, Article 378 of the Criminal Code on fraud.

There is also Law No. 8 of 2010 concerning money laundering offences. The application of this article is an effort to impoverish the perpetrators of criminal acts so that there is a deterrent effect.