Bareskrim Rejects Reporting On North Sumatra's Contrast Regarding Actors Behind TIP In Human Cage Case, Langkat Regent

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has rejected the report by KontraS North Sumatra (North Sumatra) regarding the alleged criminal act of trafficking in persons (TPPO) against victims of human cages at the house of the inactive Langkat Regent. The reason is that the North Sumatra Police are investigating the case.

"From today's process, the results are unacceptable (reports, ed)," said Gina Sabrina, a representative of the Indonesian Legal Aid and Human Rights Association (PBHI).

The Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) rejected the report on the grounds that the case had been handled by the North Sumatra Police. In the process, the police have named 8 suspects.

The evidence that had been submitted in the reporting effort was also asked to be submitted to the Sumatran Police, one of the evidences was the result of a study to assist the investigation process.

The representative of KontraS North Sumatra, Rahmat Muhamad, added that the actual form of TIP will be reported regarding forced labor. This is because the four victims represented are employed without pay.

"They work from 8 am to 6 pm or even more every day from Monday to Sunday for a full month," said Rahmat.

"They still work there and do not get any salary while they are there," he continued.

The party who will be reported, continued Rahmat, is an intellectual actor. They are state apparatus.

"State organizers include elements of the state apparatus, ASN including the government, including former regents," said Rahmat.

The North Sumatran Police previously named 8 suspects in the human cage case at the Langkat regent's house. This human cage made a number of people's lives lost due to torture.

The eight people who were named as suspects were HS, IS, TS, RG, JS, DP, SP and HG. Of the total suspects, 7 of them namely HS, IS, TS, RG, JS, DP and HG were the perpetrators who died in the TIP process.