After 9 Years Of Absence, Finally This Year Latinusa Distributes Dividends To Its Shareholders

JAKARTA - The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of PT Pelat Timah Nusantara (Latinusa) Tbk (NIKL) approved the company's plan to distribute cash dividends of 30 percent of the total net profit in 2021 which amounted to 5.86 million US dollars.

"If I'm not mistaken, we last distributed dividends in 2013. So it's been a long time since we distributed dividends," said Latinusa's President Director, Jetrinaldi in a Public Expose after the 2022 AGMS which was held online, Thursday, March 31.

Jetrinaldi said that so far NIKL's shareholders hoped to receive dividends, so this year's AGMS realized a cash dividend distribution of 30 percent of the total net profit in 2021.

"The dividend per share is US$0.000697," said Jetrinaldi.

Furthermore, Jetrinaldi said, the company wants the entire 2021 net profit to be used to strengthen NIKL's capital structure. However, he realized that Latinusa had not distributed dividends for a long time.

"So, we propose to the shareholders for the distribution of dividends," he said.

He explained that the shareholders to receive NIKL's cash dividends were investors whose names were recorded in the Register of Shareholders (DPS) on April 12, 2022. Meanwhile, dividend payments were planned to be made on May 4, 2022.

In his presentation, Jetrinaldi said that throughout 2021 the sales value of NIKL reached 210.74 million US dollars or grew 45.61 percent (year-on-year).

"This increase in performance is the impact of an increase in sales volume, thanks to a strong level of demand as well as an increase in selling prices following the trend of global price movements," he said.

He emphasized that the sales target in 2022 will be in an effort to maintain market share dominance through a concentrated strategy of serving the prime consumer segment, especially the food and beverage industry.

"Capex (capex) in 2022 is allocated for 2 million US dollars which will be focused on efforts to maintain productivity and product quality," said Jetrinaldi, adding that the source of the capex funds came from NIKL's internal cash.