Puslabfor Processes Fire Crime Scene In Lenggang Jakarta Area Ring 1 Monas

JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit conducted a crime scene (TKP) at the location of the fire of hundreds of kiosks in Lenggang Jakarta, IRTI area of the National Monument (Monas), Gambir District, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 31, afternoon.

"This afternoon, it is planned to conduct a crime scene in Lenggang Jakarta," said the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Wisnu Wardana.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Central Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Sam Suharto, said that the Central Jakarta Police had carried out an initial check of the Central Jakarta Metro Police Identification Unit.

"Initial checks have been carried out. Further inspections will be carried out from the Puslabfor Polri Headquarters to determine the cause of the fire," he added.

As previously reported, hundreds of stalls belonging to traders in Lenggang Jakarta, precisely in the IRTI area of the National Monument (Monas), Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Gambir Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta, were burnt down.

The flames began to appear on Thursday, March 31, at dawn.

"There were 166 souvenir stalls and 6 culinary stalls that caught fire," said Head of Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. Asril Rizal to reporters, Thursday, March 31.

Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. received reports from residents that there was a fire at around 05.20 WIB.

"There were 8 units of fire engines were deployed to the location to extinguish the fire. The operation to extinguish the fire started at 05.20 WIB and was successfully extinguished at 05.50 WIB," he said.

From the results of the temporary investigation, the fire is suspected to have originated from an electrical short circuit.