Bridge Incident Almost Broke In Tanjabbar Jambi, 15 Students Who Passed Were Injured As A Result Of Falling Into The River

JAMBI - A suspension bridge in Rantau Benar Village, Ranah Mendalu District, West Tanjungjabung (Tanjabbar) Regency, Jambi Province, almost broke due to a loose rope on the bridge.

Unfortunately, at the time of the incident, dozens of students were passing by. As a result, the students fell into the river under the bridge. Currently, the suspension bridge located at RT02, Rantau Benar Village, Ranah Mendalu District, Tanjabbar Regency is tilted.

"Dozens of students were injured (as a result of falling from the bridge)," said Merlung Police Chief AKP Marwiansyah when contacted, Antara, Wednesday, March 30.

The results of a check carried out by members of the Merlung Police at the scene of the incident were found to have a slanted iron screw. It is suspected that this is what caused the bridge to tilt.

Marwiansyah added, the students who crossed the suspension bridge were about to go to school, SD 31 Rantau Benar. Approximately 15 students fell into the river.

"Currently, the Merlung Police have closed the route to the bridge so that no longer people cross the bridge. There is another suspension bridge alternative at RT 02 in Pengabungan Village." said Marwiansyah.

Meanwhile, the Head of Remah Mendaluh Sub-district, Bambang Hermanto, said the victims who had serious injuries were taken to a hospital in Jambi, while those with minor injuries were being treated at the Kausar clinic.

"The suspension bridge is in an old condition and has been under construction since 2013," said Bambang.