State Property Worth IDR 222 Trillion Completed PUPR Construction, Sri Mulyani Hands Over To Management Agency

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, has officially released the management of State Property (BMN) worth IDR 222.58 trillion to government agencies in various regions in Indonesia.

During the BMN transfer ceremony, the Minister of Finance said that a number of these facilities and infrastructure were built using the State Budget through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).

"The construction budget belongs to the Ministry of PUPR. This is state money, people's money, money from the State Budget including taxes, non-tax revenues, from customs, maybe even from debt which later materializes into assets", she said in a press statement quoted Tuesday, March 30.

The Minister of Finance added that with the handover of the BMN, then the recording of the assets will be on the recipient's balance sheet.

"For example, the grant of national roads and bridges from the Ministry of PUPR to the DKI Jakarta Regional Government will increase the assets of the DKI Jakarta Regional Government. In addition, the Rusunawa (flats for rent) that was granted to the local government for low-income people have become an asset that is registered with the recipient local government", she said.

In this event, BMN has been handed over to six ministries and institutions, 24 local governments, three foundations, and two universities.

Meanwhile, the BMN is in the form of national roads, including land for national roads, bridges and suspension bridges, regional Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) and Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM), Final Processing Site (TPA), waste-water management, handling of slum areas, construction of rehabilitation of infrastructure and facilities for education, sports, and markets, as well as flats and special houses.

The Minister of Finance especially appreciated the symbolic handover of the BMN. She said this is a form of accountability and transparency in the management of state finances. She advised that BMN can be maintained, managed, and maintained properly. In addition, the benefits of BMN can be felt by the wider community.

"Our money is quick to build the country", said Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani.

According to VOI records, the total state assets until the end of 2020 were IDR 11,098 trillion. Of this figure, 59.3 percent of them, or equivalent to IDR 6.585 trillion are assets in the form of state property (BMN).