The Reason For Terawan's Dismissal Is Not Yet Clear, IDI Was Summoned By The DPR But Did Not Come, MKEK Admits No Authorization

JAKARTA - The permanent dismissal of former Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto from the membership of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) is still controversial. The reason is, IDI has not provided a clear explanation of the reason Terawan was fired from the medical organization.

Based on information circulating, Dr. Terawan was fired due to treatment with the 'brainwashing' method using the Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) tool in the treatment of stroke and the Nusantara vaccine in the prevention of COVID-19.

Then, the results of the special session of the Honorary Council for Medical Ethics (MKEK) decided to permanently dismiss the former Minister of Health, dr. Terawan Agus Putranto from IDI membership.

The decision was read out at the 31st IDI Congress in Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Friday, March 25. "Decided, determined, passed on the results of the MKEK special session meeting which decided the permanent dismissal of a colleague of Dr. dr. Terawan Agus Putranto as a member of IDI," said chairman of the Presidium of the Abdul Azis Session, in Jakarta, Sunday, March 28. Abdul Azis said the dismissal was carried out by PB IDI no later than 28 working days.

In response, Terawan stated that he was proud and honored to be at IDI. "To this day, I am still very proud and honored to be there (IDI)," said Terawan, as quoted by Terawan's Communications Team, Andi, Monday, March 28.

Terawan asked his fellow doctors to hold back so as not to create public chaos. The reason is that currently there is still a COVID-19 pandemic.

"I feel sorry for the community and colleagues who are in the area, health centers, hospitals, etc., are also disturbed," he said. Terawan emphasized that he loves his colleagues at IDI and considers them siblings. Regarding the decision to dismiss him, Terawan handed over It's entirely up to his colleagues. "Let my brothers and sisters decide. Can I still stay at home or be kicked out on the street?" Terawan said, imitating Andi again. Regarding this issue, the DPR RI summoned IDI to ask for an explanation. In fact, the Ministry of Health also intervened to mediate.

"The Ministry of Health will initiate and assist the mediation process between IDI and its members so that communication is good," said Minister of Health Budi. How did the Honorary Council for Medical Ethics (MKEK) respond?

Meeting Postponed, DPR Failed To Get IDI Explanation

The House of Representatives Commission IX canceled a Public Hearing Meeting (RDPU) with the Management of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) regarding the explanation of the main tasks and functions of the IDI as an Indonesian medical professional organization.

Originally, the meeting to discuss the issue of the permanent dismissal of former Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto from IDI membership was held at 13.00 western Indonesia time. However, the meeting was canceled.

Confirming this, Member of Commission IX DPR Saleh Partaonan Daulay said the meeting with IDI today had to be postponed because the organization that fired Terawan asked to be rescheduled.

"Actually, it wasn't canceled, the meeting with IDI was because I wanted to get complete information as soon as possible. But it looks like today's IDI is not ready, so I asked for a rescheduling," said Saleh when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, March 29.

This information was only found after the meeting time started. Even with Saleh, he admitted that he had just received news from the Secretariat of Commission IX.

"I just got an answer from the Secretariat of Commission IX, it looks like it will be rescheduled," he said.

The leadership of Commission IX of the DPR also expressed disappointment that the RDPU and IDI had been canceled.

"Actually, we are disappointed that IDI did not comply with this invitation," said Deputy Chairman of Commission IX of the DPR RI, Nihayatul Wafiroh, when confirmed, Tuesday, March 29.

Ninik explained that Commission IX initially scheduled an RDPU with IDI at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, this Wednesday afternoon. However, the IDI wrote a letter to the Indonesian House of Representatives dated March 28, 2022, which asked for a delay in the implementation of the RDPU.

IDI reasoned that it was finalizing the results of the 31st congress which was held on 22-26 March 2022, thus requesting a rescheduling of the RDPU with Commission IX.

The legislator for the East Java III electoral district revealed that his party had proposed that the RDPU with IDI could be held on Wednesday, March 30, tomorrow. The reason is, Commission IX already has an agenda on Thursday, March 31, to hold a Working Meeting (Raker) with the Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin

However, Ninik said, in informal communication, IDI felt that it could not hold an RDPU on Wednesday, March 30. This is because the leadership of the medical organization has not returned to Jakarta after the 31st IDI congress held in Aceh.

In fact, the PKB politician added, Commission IX wants to discuss many things with IDI in the RDPU. However, this failed to take place after the institution which is now led by Adib Khumaidi asked for a rescheduling.

"We had an offer for tomorrow afternoon, but many of their leaders have not yet come from Aceh or have other agendas," he said.

MKEK Says Authority for Terawan's Dismissal lies with IDI

Member of the Honorary Council for Medical Ethics (MKEK) Baharuddin was reluctant to comment on the dismissal of former Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto from membership of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI). According to him, the one authorized to explain why Terawan was permanently dismissed was IDI Chairman Adib Khumaidi.

"That's an internal IDI affair, only this has been distorted. But it is the IDI management who should provide information on who is carrying out their duties, Doctor Adib (Chairman of IDI) must have a way to explain that," said Baharuddin when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, March 29.

"While I am indeed a member of the MKEK, but I have finished carrying out my duties. So I do not have the authority to convey anything," he continued.

According to him, the public must have known that the issue of dismissal was the domain of IDI. Of course, IDI, which has been in existence for decades, has clear reasons and mechanisms for terminating its members.

"I think everyone already knows that this is IDI's internal business. IDI is also not new, but it has been for decades and has been carrying out its noble duty to provide protection to the public so that unethical and unprofessional actions are carried out properly," explained Baharuddin.

Therefore, the MKEK cannot disclose violations against members that have been decided by the IDI management.

"Indeed, dealing with each member is different, of course, it is also unethical if I then reveal what the unethical actions were. What is important is that we protect the Indonesian people from their ignorance from information asymmetry," he said.

When asked about the veracity of the information that said Terawan was fired because of DSA and the Nusantara vaccine, Baharuddin agreed with Terawan's violations.

"Yes, there is a violation if there is no announcement to make it up, if you want to make it up, especially former generals, no. There must be a reason, but the person in charge is the person in charge," he concluded.