British Deputy Ambassador: Russian Invasion Complicates Indonesian Presidency At G20 Summit

DENPASAR - British Deputy Ambassador to Indonesia Rob Fenn said Indonesia already had the same attitude as Britain regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

According to him, Indonesia has spoken about Russia's invasion of Ukraine, namely at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), including the activities of the Human Rights Council.

"Actually, Indonesia has taken a stand three times. But the position stated by Indonesia is that they support sovereignty and respect for international law. This position is the same as Britain, in that position", said Rob in Denpasar, Bali, Tuesday, March 29.

Meanwhile, regarding the presidency of the G20 Summit in Bali, the Russian invasion of Ukraine actually complicates Indonesia's position.

"So Russia is not making it easy for the Indonesian Presidency this time by attacking its own neighboring country and a sovereign country. By violating international regulations by attacking a sovereign country", he added.

Rob hopes that Russia will immediately stop the attack on Ukraine before the G20 summit in Bali. Because Russia is part of the G20 countries.

"Hopefully Russia has stopped and the sooner it is better to stop its attacks on Ukraine. So there is still time, hopefully", he said.

Rob stressed that Britain condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Ukraine is a sovereign country.

"If Russia stops attacking Ukraine, it will make it easier for the Indonesian Presidency to attend the G20 and make it easier for Britain to attend the G20", he said.