PGE Wins IGA 2022 Thanks To Waste Management

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) won Best of the Best in the 2022 Indonesia Green Award. This subsidiary of Pertamina New Renewable Energy (PNRE) was the best for eight categories.

Two of them are related to waste, namely Handling Plastic Waste and Developing Integrated Waste Management. IGA is an award given to companies that implement Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the environmental field.

"The various CSR programs carried out by the company bring stories of changes regarding the environment and society, no longer just spending the budget," said La Tofi, Head of the IGA 2022 Assessment Team at the awards night which took place in Jakarta, Monday 21 March.

PGE's waste management program is titled "Sustainable Waste Management: Integration of Waste Banks with the Digital Rangers App".

Six other categories achieved by PGE were Nature Conservation Tourism Development; Saving Water Resources; Technological Engineering in Saving Energy The Use of New Renewable Energy; Developing Biodiversity; Pioneering Pollution Prevention; and Digitalization of Nature Conservation by PR Company.

"Our principle is the synergy of company development, the results of which can also be enjoyed by the community," said Muhammad Baron, Corporate Secretary of PT PGE, at the award night.

As for the award for a CSR program in the Lahendong Geothermal Work Area, PGE won The Best IGA 2022. General Manager of PGE Area Kamojang Drajat Budi Hartanto added, PGE always tries to maintain its commitment to implementing ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) principles.

"This principle is an integrated part of PGE Kamojang's business," he said in Kamojang, Saturday, March 26.

He said, PGE Kamojang received Gold Proper in December 2021. This award is the 11th in a row. PGE also received Best of The Best at the 2022 Indonesian Green Awards.

Drajat said, PGE Area Kamojang has the KANG DEDI Program as the latest innovation, with three subprograms Tree Wifi, Rangers App, and Geotato. Tree Wifi Signal Kita combines waste management and tree planting with the provision of internet signals in remote areas of the Kamojang Geothermal Working Area.

"Internet users can get wifi by exchanging trash or planting trees," said Drajat.

Rangers App is a start-up that was built by Hendri Wahyudi, one of the young leaders in Ibun District, Bandung Regency. This local online transportation application was developed in Ibun with various services, including online motorcycle taxis, courier services, food delivery, ticketing, and payment systems.

"We started building this application in 2018. At the beginning of 2019, we submitted a proposal to PT PGE, and thank God since the end of 2019 assistance from PT PGE has continued to flow," said Hendri.

Currently, the Rangers App has reached 35 culinary partners, 25 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) partners, as well as 2 natural attractions in Kamojang, and 10 homestay partners around Kamojang. PGE is supported by 50 drivers, some of whom are casual workers. In general, they work in convection factories around Kamojang.

Waste management is a new addition to the Rangers app. If this application is opened, there will be a menu. The waste management process begins with collecting the waste and Rangers will transport it to a collection point and weigh-in. The results will be put into a trash savings which can be used as a means of payment in the Rangers App.

This waste management program provides four benefits at once. The household and village environment is clean, provides economic benefits because waste can function as a means of payment, prevents infectious diseases such as dengue fever and diarrhea, which can be caused by a slum environment, and socially this program also increases the participation of community members, fosters togetherness and awareness of a clean and healthy environment.

Based on PT PGE data written on, the tangible results of this waste management program include a reduction in landfill waste on roads or vacant land, the amount of waste that has been successfully recycled reaching 5.72 tons in 2021, and economic value. waste amounting to Rp. 10.44 million in the same year. This program involves 269 households in three villages, 20 of whom are Rangers App customers.

In addition to various CSR programs targeting the environment and communities around PGE's Geothermal working areas, one of the spearheads of PNRE has also joined the Global Earth Hour Campaign. This simultaneous action carried out by individuals, communities, governments and corporations aims to reduce the rate of global warming and the impact of climate change. This campaign is carried out by turning off lights for one hour in all office buildings and homes on Saturday, March 26, 2022.

President Director of PT PGE Ahmad Yuniarto emphasized that in running its business, PGE continues to be committed to developing geothermal energy, as an important part of new and renewable energy (EBT), by always implementing the principles of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG). The implementation of ESG is fully integrated into all PGE operations, and the development of various CSR programs is an integral part of implementing these principles.

Ahmad Yuniarto explained that PGE's commitment to geothermal energy development can contribute to achieving the 7th sustainable development goals (SDGs) (clean and affordable energy). In addition, PGE also refers to the 12th goal (responsible construction and production), the 13th goal (climate change management), and the 15th goal (land ecosystems).