The Reason Why Reza Arap Just Handed Over The Money From Doni Salmanan To The Criminal Investigation Agency

JAKARTA - Influencer Reza Arap finally returned the money given by Doni Salmanan to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police of Rp. 950 million. The money was only returned because the disbursement process took a long time.

"Because there is a process and we have explained to investigators that it is not easy to extract data from the application," said Reza Arap's attorney, Irfan Fauzi, to reporters, Monday, March 28.

However, it was not specified how long it would take to disburse the funds. What is clear is that the refund was only made 11 days after Reza Arap was investigated by the Criminal Investigation Department.

Irfan explained that the main factor was only the issue of disbursement. The lawyer denied that his client was said to have used the saweran money.

According to Irfan, his client never used the money. The money is always stored in the Buzz Social donation platform account.

"He actually put the money on his Social Buzz (platform) and indeed he never withdrew it," he said.

Reza Arap is said to have communicated with Doni Salmanan to return the saweran money. But according to the lawyer, Doni refused.

"Earlier and at that time he (Reza, ed) directly contacted Doni Salmanan on YouTube. He wanted to return it but Doni Salmanan refused," said Irfan.

For information, Reza Arap once received a saweran from Doni Salmanan as much as Rp. 1 billion. Giving money when Reza plays games.

Meanwhile, Doni Salmanan is a user and owner of the King Salaman YouTube account. Doing unlawful acts by making videos on the King Salamanan YouTube channel containing false and misleading news results in consumer losses in electronic transactions.

The suspect seems to have received billions of rupiah from the results of playing foreign exchange trading on the Quotex website and doing flexing (showing off wealth) to convince people who watch YouTube to join and play trading on the Quotex website.