Kampung Mandar Banyuwangi Terror Dog, An Injured Resident Bitten

BANYUWANGI - The terror of a fierce dog haunts residents in Banyuwangi, East Java. Muhlawiyah (75) suffered a tear in the heel of her foot after being bitten by the dog.

The angry residents finally asked the Fire and Rescue Service for help to evacuate the dog.

The village head of Mandar Village, Dwi Sasongko, said there were two fierce dogs. He called the dog not a stray but a pet dog.

The dog has been terrorizing residents for a long time, both residents of Kepatihan Village and Mandar Village.

"The dog often chases the residents, this is very disturbing, especially since this morning there was a victim, his leg was bitten by the dog. A week ago a mandar resident was bitten," said Dwi, Monday, March 28.

Residents, he continued, actually reject dogs in the community. Residents give tolerance by urging owners to tie their dogs. But it turns out that dogs are still often released into the wild.

"It turns out that they are often released, when they are released they terrorize the residents, they are angry and even want to have no mercy and want to kill the dog," he said.

His party finally asked the Fire and Rescue Service for help to evacuate the dog. Currently the dog has been secured at the Fire Service Office.

"I ask that this dog be expelled from the environment, whether it is brought by the BKSDA or anywhere as long as it is far from the environment," said Dwi.