It's Only Been A Long Time Since General Listyo Sigit Said That If A Member Is Involved In Drugs, There Will Be An Arrest Of A Police Officer Using Methamphetamine In Makassar

JAKARTA - The Special Team for Narcotics Crimes at the South Sulawesi Police (Sulsel) has arrested a police officer for being involved in the distribution of methamphetamine.

The security of these police officers took place after the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit gave firm instructions to all ranks not to get involved with drugs, because the sanction was dismissal.

The Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Police, Kombes Pol Komang Suartana, in Makassar, Sunday, February 27, said that a police officer with the initials RN (38) was arrested for allegedly being involved in drug trafficking.

"For the time being, this RN person is secured with other suspects for further questioning," said Kombes Suartana, quoting Antara, Sunday, March 27.

Kombes Komang Suartana explained that the RN person was secured along with five other people who were using methamphetamine.

The five other suspects who were arrested were AWA woman (35) who works as a housewife (IRT), ED woman (30), also an IRT, AAZ (32), MF (14), and FD (29) who works as a housewife. entrepreneur.

Komang said the six perpetrators were detained at two different locations, namely Jalan Toa Daeng 5, Keluraham Batua Raya, Manggala, Makassar, and the second location on Jalan Pampang behind the Barawaja Iron Factory, Pampang Village, Panakukang District, Makassar City.

He admitted that the six suspects were secured in a boarding house based on public reports regarding the alleged drug abuse due to frequent gatherings.

"These two TKP (the crime scene) they are all secured at the boarding house. This is still under development and temporarily they are using it," he said again.

As for the evidence that was secured in the form of crystal methamphetamine weighing 171.47 grams which was then sent to the Makassar Police Headquarters Forensic Laboratory Center.

As for the criminal case, the perpetrator is suspected of violating Article 114 paragraph (2) subsidiary Article 112 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

Just to remind again, recently the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit said that if any member of the Police was involved in drugs, strict action would be taken immediately.

Sigit reminded all police officers not to 'play around' with narcotics. The reason is, he will not hesitate to give strict punishments or sanctions.

"And I also ask my colleagues, all the Regional Police Chief and the Head of the Resort Police, if any member is involved in firing, punish and give the maximum sentence. That's our commitment. I don't want any part of the Polri institution to play with this (drugs)," said Sigit based on a written statement received on Thursday, March 24.