Five Malaysian And Philippine Flag Vessels Out Of 51 Illegal Arrests By KKP

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) arrested 21 Indonesian fishing vessels and one foreign fishing vessel in a surveillance operation in mid-March 2022. This record is the result of those carried out in six Indonesian Fisheries Management Areas (WPPNRI).

With the arrest of the 22 vessels, KKP has captured a total of 51 fishing vessels consisting of five foreign fishing vessels, namely four Malaysian-flagged vessels and one Philippine-flagged vessel. The KKP also secured 46 Indonesian fishing vessels that violated the provisions.

"In an operation carried out in the waters of Raja Ampat, Lampung, Peleng Strait, Tolo Bay, Riau Islands, Sulawesi Sea and Java Sea, we secured 21 Indonesian fishing vessels and 1 foreign fishing vessel," said the Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision. TNI Rear Admiral Adin Nurawaluddin, in a statement quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 27.

He stated that the capture of these vessels underscores the KKP's seriousness in protecting marine and fishery resources from illegal fishing and fishing.

Adin explained that in Raja Ampat, two Indonesian fishing vessels, namely KM. Mattajang and KM. Cahaya Selamat 01 was arrested by the Superintendent Ship (KP) Hiu Macan 04 for carrying out the transshipment not according to regulations.

Meanwhile, 10 vessels were arrested for operating not in accordance with the fishing area. The ship is KM. Economic Source, KM. Putra Harapan 3, and KM. Garuda Mas was arrested in Lampung waters by KP. Shark 10, KM. Nando was caught in the waters of the Riau Islands by KP. Shark 17, as well as KM. Ulam Sari Putra Fajar, KM. Mina Wijaya, KM. Son of Blessing 1, KM. Kafaa Bilkafi, KM. Simple, and KM. Mixed Sari was caught in the waters of the Java Sea by KP. Orcas 2.

"In addition, there are nine Indonesian fishing vessels that are not equipped with licensing documents trying to be caught by the KP. Shark 5 in the waters of the Peleng Strait and Tolo Bay. And one foreign fishing boat, the type of light boat, namely FB.LB AARON-11 which was disabled and captured by KP. 15 sharks in the waters of the Sulawesi Sea," said Adin.

Adin said that the capture of the vessels was a manifestation of the KKP's commitment to maintaining the sustainability of marine and fishery resources.

Furthermore, Adin said that in preparation for overseeing the measured fishing program, his party would carry out control in a number of water areas.

In addition, Adin added that there were many complaints from the public who reported fishing practices that were not in accordance with the provisions so that his party took firm steps.

“The message is clear that the KKP prioritizes the management of marine and fishery resources. Moreover, this violation is disturbing the fishermen and the community," said Adin.

Adin said that the capture of foreign fishing boats that functioned as light boats was an effort to break the chain of illegal fishing in the RI-Philippines border area.

He explained that the Lamp Ship has a strategic role in supporting the operation of illegal purse seine vessels in the Sulawesi Sea border area.

"The function of this ship is to collect fish, so with the capture of this ship, an important cycle of fish collection we paralyze," concluded Adin.