Shot By Police, Shooter Of Dumai Riau Resident To Death Arrested

DUMAI - The Dumai Police, Riau arrested H (38) the suspect in the shooting to death of Romadhon Nasution (19), on Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Bukit Kapur District, Dumai City.

Dumai Police Chief AKBP Mohammad Kholid said the suspect was arrested in a rented house on Jalan Tuanku Tambusai.

"Because the suspect resisted, the officers were forced to paralyze him with measured measures," said Kholid as quoted by Antara, Friday, March 25.

The police chief explained that the shooting started as a result of an argument due to the victim riding a motorcycle accidentally hitting the door of the perpetrator's car which was opened suddenly.

Not accepting that the car door was dented, the perpetrator and the victim were involved in an argument, even to the point of a fist fight.

The victim's brother, Rizki Nasution, who saw the fight, tried to help his younger brother with the intention of throwing stones at suspect H. The suspect immediately got into the car to take a long-barreled air rifle and aim the muzzle of the second weapon.

"Even a gun was fired at the two of them, but it didn't hit. The victim immediately ran away. Feeling annoyed, the perpetrator damaged the victim's motorbike that was left behind with a rifle and stones," continued AKBP Kholid.

It turned out that both (Ramadhon and Rizki) ran to an acquaintance's house and told the story. They intend to report what happened to the Bukit Kapur Police.

But suddenly there was a shot, and this time it hit Rizki's chest. Rizki who was lying down after being shot was immediately rushed to the Bukit Kapur Health Center, but could not be saved. Then the witness and his family immediately went to the Bukit Kapur Police Station to make a report.

After investigating and collecting witness statements, the police finally apprehended the perpetrator. Apart from that, evidence supporting his crimes, such as air rifles, was also secured.

However, while looking for evidence, the perpetrator tried to escape and put up a fight, so the officers paralyzed the suspect with a shot in the leg.

For his actions, H is suspected of Article 338 of the Criminal Code concerning murder with a maximum prison sentence of 15 years in prison.