Poverty In Ukraine Makes Uterine Rental Business Legal, Issues Exploitation Of Women Set Aside

JAKARTA - Previously, Ukraine was not a popular country in Indonesia. But since February 24, 2022, when Russia invaded, the name Ukraine immediately became the center of attention around the world. After more than a month of bombardment instead of a near-peace period, Ukraine is on the verge of collapse.

Russia and Ukraine cannot be compared, because the difference is like heaven and earth. Russia is not only superior in terms of military, but also economically. Meanwhile, Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe.

The destruction of cities in Ukraine due to Russian attacks. (Wikimedia Commons)

If the GDP per capita is used as a reference, then Ukraine is indeed in the first place as the poorest European country. According to Country Economy, Ukraine's GDP per capita is 3.724 US dollars, while Russia's GDP per capita is 10.115 US dollars in 2020.

Ukraine has lost about 280 billion US dollars in lost gross domestic product between 2014 and 2020. It was in conflict with Russia, and Ukraine's losses are expected to increase this year.

Low Cost of Living

Ukraine does hold the title of the poorest country, but that does not mean its people live in conditions of acute poverty. Because compared to other European countries, the cost of living in Ukraine is relatively cheap.

All basic needs in Ukraine can be met with a minimum salary such as electricity, water, housing, entertainment, to the internet. Meanwhile, according to the Livingcost page, to be able to live in big cities in Ukraine, it only costs USD $ 541 or approximately IDR 7.75 million per month.

Ukrainians flock to neighboring countries as a result of the war against Russia. (Wikimedia Commons)

Ukraine is a European country with a large and fertile landmass, each of its citizens receiving a plot of land for free from the government by paying only taxes. Ukraine is known as one of the world's largest wheat producers. In addition, Ukraine is a major exporter of sunflower seeds, potatoes, raisins, pumpkins, and honey.

Uterus Rental Business

However, due to economic pressures, many Ukrainians depend on the business of renting or lending wombs to raise other people's fetuses until Ukraine has been known for decades as a baby factory center, another term for the womb rental business.

Since the uterus rental business was legalized in 2002, Ukraine has become a popular destination for couples seeking “pregnancy for someone else” services. In other words, surrogacy. “You are 18 to 35 years old? Have a physically and psychologically healthy and law-abiding?” These are the advertisements that are plastered on buses and various cities in Ukraine by surrogacy rental companies.

This business is even supported by a number of official companies that act as intermediaries, as well as medical procedures for uterine rental services.

Advocacy for renting a uterus in Ukraine. (BioTexCom)

Thousands of Ukrainian women rent out their wombs to raise the fetuses of other couples every year. Especially since 2015 when Thailand, India, and Nepal banned this business on the grounds of exploiting women. The tenants come from developed countries in Western Europe who want to have biological children, but without the hassle of pregnancy.

BioTexCom is one of the leading providers of uterine rental brokerage services in Ukraine. With the cheapest package worth 11 thousand US dollars or IDR 158 million for one pregnancy. That's still added 250 US dollars or around IDR 3.6 million for the monthly salary of women whose wombs are rented.

The total that these surrogate mothers receive when added up is more than three times the average annual wage in Ukraine, which is around USD 3000 or IDR 43 million.

Illegal Adoption Mask

Rent a womb in Ukraine is becoming very popular with foreign couples seeking affordable surrogacy services. The average package fee is 30 thousand US dollars, very cheap compared to surrogacy services in the United States which reach 120 thousand US dollars.

A lawyer from Kyiv who specializes in media and reproduction, Sergii Antonov said, between 2000 and 2500 babies were born through utero in Ukraine. Half of it is through BioTeXCom, and a third of its customers are from China.

According to Antonov, the condition of the women who are renters of the womb is in a worrying condition. Generally, they come from small villages in a situation without choice and hope.

BioTexCom's surrogacy business advertisement in Ukraine. (BioTexCom)

These surrogate pregnant women sometimes do not receive the payment as promised. Sometimes even placed in an inadequate room, when entering the final stages of pregnancy.

Even in some cases, it was found that the parents of the fetus had no genetic relationship with the babies born to surrogate mothers.

This uterine rental business began to be suspected by many authorities, that some clinics were using surrogacy as a cover for illegal commercial adoption.

Ukraine's commission for children's rights, Mykola Kuleba, called Ukraine an international online baby shop. He condemned the exploitation of Ukrainian women and banned the industry. But so far the Ukrainian government has been silent, and the uterine rental business continues as usual.