Election Observer The Value Of Hoax And Slander Of Elections Experience An Upward Trend

JAKARTA - Member of the Board of Trustees of the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) Titi Anggraini said the increase in the presence of hoaxes and slander is one of the problems in elections in Indonesia that hinders the realization of people's sovereignty. free and fair," said Titi when she was a resource person in a national webinar entitled "Optimizing Public Awareness in Participatory Election Oversight", as monitored from Jakarta, Friday 25 March. ) if the people are exposed to hoaxes and slander during the election when making decisions so that the choices are not free and fair," he added. mem stem the existence of hoaxes and slander related to the election. In addition to the increasing trend of hoaxes and election slander, in the webinar organized by the General Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Cilacap Regency, Central Java, Titi also explained several other problems in organizing democratic parties in Indonesia. First, he said, the implementation of elections in Indonesia is still faced with transactional political practices that foster corrupt behavior. Titi gave an example of such corrupt behavior, namely buying and selling votes, the existence of political dowries, and bribing election officials. .

He emphasized that this issue could threaten the realization of a free and fair election. Problems that also often occur, he said, when holding elections are issues related to the neutrality of the state civil apparatus (ASN). good. There is still the politicization of the state civil apparatus whose cases in 2020 will reach thousands and there are also ASNs who practice practical politics in order to secure positions and maintain power," Titi said as quoted by Antara. election officials."In 2019, 894 election officials died, and 5,175 became sick after serving their duties. That's not a good record. These problems are a big job for election administrators how to solve these problems so that in 2024 they can be avoided , said Titi.