Seizure Of 58 Kg Of Methamphetamine And 3,340 Pills Of Ecstasy, Medan Police Team Arrest Mother And Child

MEDAN - Four drug dealers were arrested by the Medan Police team. Of the four perpetrators, 2 of them are mothers and biological children.
From the arrests, the police confiscated 58 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 3,340 ecstasy pills. The four arrested perpetrators were a woman with the initials YL (34) and her children MR (19), RHD (39), and MFM (25).
In addition to evidence of drugs, the police also confiscated 1 unit of Daihatsu Xenia BK 1894 PL, 1 unit of motorcycle rickshaw without plates, 1 piece of plastic burlap, 5 units of HP, 1 press machine, 2 electric scales, 3 bags, and a calculator.
Medan Police Chief, Commissioner Valentino Alfa Tatareda, said the disclosure of the drug case began on Saturday, March 12, when his party was about to arrest a man on Karya Baru Street, Tanjung Rejo Village, Medan Sunggal District.
"The suspect managed to escape, but we managed to find 10 kg of crystal methamphetamine which he had thrown away to trick the officers", said Commissioner Valentino, Friday, March 25.
The next day, Sunday, March 13, the police arrested a mother with the initials YL (34) and her son MR (19) at Perintis Kemerdekaan Street, Medan Krio Village with 8 kg of crystal methamphetamine as evidence.
Then in a different place, the police again arrested RHD with evidence of 8.8 kg of crystal methamphetamine on Titi Papan Street, Sei Sikambing Village, Medan Helvetia District.
"During interrogation, the suspect admitted to having received methamphetamine from a person with the initials E (DPO). When he was searched, from his room we again found 1.2 kg of methamphetamine", he said.
Valentino said that on Monday, March 14, the Helvetia Police carried out developments to Klambir V Street, Hamparan Perak District based on the confessions of suspects YL and MR who had been arrested.
"However, the perpetrator with the initials A (DPO) managed to escape when he was about to be arrested. We found 3,340 ecstasy pills from his room", he said.
It didn't stop there, officers again arrested the driver of the Xenia BK 1894 PL car driven by MFM on Selamat Ketaren Street, Medan Estate Village, Percut Sei Tuan District, Wednesday, March 16.
"From the back seat of the car, we managed to find 30 kg of crystal methamphetamine", he explained.
The total amount of methamphetamine that was secured was 58,396 kg. Meanwhile, there were 3,340 ecstasy pills.
"The perpetrators are suspected of being under Article 114 Paragraph (2) Subs Article 112 Paragraph (2) of the Law (UU) RI Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of death or life imprisonment", he concluded.