Getting To Know Anwar Usman's Candidate For President Jokowi's Brother-in-law

JAKARTA - The chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) Anwar Usman is rumored to be marrying President Jokowi's sister, Idayati. The Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, confirmed the news about the marriage plan of the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Anwar Usman with the younger brother of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Idayati.

Even though he is the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, many do not really know this man born in West Nusa Tenggara.

Anwar Usman, born on December 31, 1956. Since childhood, he was raised in Rasabou Village, Bima, West Nusa Tenggara. Starting his career as an honorary teacher in 1975, did not limit Anwar Usman's steps to becoming a Constitutional Justice as he is now. His election as a replacement for M. Arsyad Sanusi, is seen as the path of destiny that Allah SWT has chosen for him.

Anwar Usman admits that he is used to living independently. Graduated from SDN 03 Sila, Bima in 1969, he had to leave the village and his parents to continue his education at the State Religious Teacher Education School (PGAN) for 6 years until 1975.

Graduated from PGAN in 1975, with the blessing of his father (late) Usman A. Rahim and his mother Hj. St. Ramlah, Anwar migrated further to Jakarta and immediately became honorary teachers at SD Kalibaru. During his time as a teacher, Anwar continued his education to the S1 level. He also chose the Faculty of Law, Jakarta Islamic University, and graduated in 1984.

“Many of my PGAN friends at that time chose to continue their education to IAIN, taking tarbiyah faculty, sharia faculty, or other faculties. There are also those who continue their education to the Teacher Training and Education Institute (IKIP). Rarely choose law school. However, I did not break away from the world of education which became my basis. It is proven that SD Kalibaru, where I first tried my luck in Jakarta in 1975, has developed into an educational foundation with various types and levels of education. I was also elected and appointed as Chairman of the Foundation until now," said the man who likes to sing Broeri Marantika's songs as quoted by

Theater Lovers

During his time as a student, Anwar was active in theater activities under the tutelage of Ismail Soebarjo. Apart from being busy in lecturing and teaching activities, Anwar is listed as a member of the Aksara Studio. He was also invited to compete acting in a film starring Nungki Kusumastuti, Frans Tumbuan, and Rini S. Bono made by renowned director Ismail Soebarjo in 1980.

However, Anwar's involvement in the film, which exploded in 1980, drew criticism from his parents.

“When the film exploded, the film arrived at Bima. Incidentally, in the film there is a scene where I walk with a woman in Cikini Market, the people in my village are all excited. In fact, in the film, I was just a cheerleader. When my father found out, I was scolded. He said, 'He said he went to Jakarta to study, instead he played a movie', he recalls.

Anwar recalls his involvement in theater as one of his most memorable experiences. According to this friendly man, the world of theater taught him many things, including the philosophy of life. The world of theater and film, according to this former Supreme Court Justice, essentially contains elements of education that encourage virtue, including how to behave and speak.

“By taking the oath alone in front of President SBY, many friends are worried. But, Alhamdulillah, thanks to my experience in the theater sector, I can overcome my nervousness and don't have stage fright when I have to pronounce the oath,” explained the former Head of Research and Development Agency for Kumdil Education and Training of the Supreme Court for the period 2006-2011.

Successfully earning a law degree in 1984, Anwar tried to take the test to become a judge candidate. Luck was on his side when he graduated and was appointed a Candidate for Judge of the Bogor District Court in 1985.

"Being a judge, actually is not my goal. However, when God wants, wherever I am trusted or entrusted in any position, for me it becomes a place to worship. God willing, I will hold and carry out the mandate as well as possible,” explained the man with a thick beard who had served in the Atambua District Court and the Lumajang District Court.

Uphold Justice and Maintain the Ethics of Constitutional Judges

Anwar Usman considers his highest achievement in the judiciary as a constitutional judge, far from what he had imagined so far. In the Supreme Court, the positions he has occupied include being Assistant to the Supreme Court Justices from 1997 – 2003 which then continued with his appointment as Head of the Supreme Court Personnel Bureau during 2003 – 2006. Then in 2005, he was appointed as a Judge of the Jakarta High Court while remaining employed. as Head of the Bureau of Personnel.

However, Anwar admits that he is no stranger to the judiciary which was established in 2003. Apart from the knowledge he has studied, he has also known Constitutional Justice Hamdan Zoelva for a long time, both of whom are from Bima, West Nusa Tenggara.

“I have often communicated with Pak Hamdan since he became a member of Commission II of the DPR. Likewise, Mr. Akil (M. Akil Mochtar, ed). Meanwhile, with Pak Fadlil (Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi, ed.) because we were together at the Supreme Court," he said.

According to Anwar, since the establishment of the Constitutional Court he has always followed the development of the institution led by Moh. Mahfud MD, so it is not difficult to adapt to the environment in the Constitutional Court. “I immediately adapted. Moreover, the Chairman immediately invited me to join the meeting shortly after I took the oath in front of the President. I heard from friends at the Registrar's Office that the trial in the Constitutional Court sometimes lasted until midnight. Of course, I'm ready for that," he said.

Anwar's principle in carrying out his duties as a judge has always followed the example of the Prophet Muhammad. He quoted the story of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. "It is narrated in a hadith, that the Prophet Muhammad was visited by the leaders of the Quraysh to ask for special treatment for the children of the Quraysh nobles who stole. He wisely said, 'By Allah, if my own daughter Fatimah steals, I will cut off her hand'. This means that law enforcement and justice must be applied to everyone without exception," he explained.

Ever Married and Have Three Children

Prior to being a widower, in his life Anwar Usman was married and had three children named Kurniati Anwar, Kahiril Anwar and Sheila Anwar.