PT Semen Padan And PMI Work Together To Build Temporary Shelters For Pasaman Earthquake Victims

JAKARTA - PT Semen Padang in collaboration with PMI West Sumatra and Dompet Dhuafa Singgalang made a concept study and built temporary and permanent housing for earthquake victims in Pasaman and West Pasaman Regencies.

West Sumatra PMI Deputy Chair Aim Zein said in Padang on Saturday that the making of a technical study on the concept of permanent housing development is a continuation of temporary housing that is more suitable for habitation for victims of the earthquake and landslide natural disasters in Pasaman and West Pasaman Regencies.

The making of the concept study and residential development was stated in a memorandum of understanding in Padang by the Head of the Non-Cement Incubation Business Department of PT Semen Padang Pri Gustari Akbar and the Deputy Chair of the PMI West Sumatra Fund Resource Development Division, Suryadi Asmi witnessed directly by the PMI chairman Jusuf Kalla.

According to him, PT Semen Padang will make vero cement, namely residential walls made of panels with chicken wire filled with cement. This is a new technology to make it last longer.

He conveyed previously that the PMI of West Sumatra Province had built 65 temporary housing units from a target of around 500 units spread over two districts affected by the earthquake and landslide.

"The 500 unit target is actually just preliminary data, but the number could be more," he said as quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Department of Communication and Corporate Law of PT Semen Padang Oktoweri said that apart from collaborating with the West Sumatra PMI, his party also played an active role in the management of the earthquake and landslide disaster in West Pasaman.

Even three hours after the earthquake, PT Semen Padang immediately sent TRC Semen Padang volunteers to the West Pasaman disaster area, he said.

Simultaneously, food assistance was also sent through the company's CSR and UPZ Baznas Semen Padang, as well as the medical team from Semen Padang Hospital, and medicines.

"In addition to volunteers, the medical team and basic necessities, PT Semen Indonesia, which is the holding company for PT Padang Padang, also sent 1,500 sacks of cement aid," he said.

Also witnessing the signing of the memorandum of understanding the West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Pol Teddy Minahasa Putra, West Sumatra Provincial Secretary Han Sastri, West Sumatra Provincial PMI Chairman Aristo Munandar, Padang Police Chief Kombes Pol Imran Amir, Pasaman Regent Benny Utama, and West Pasaman Deputy Regent Risnawanto.