Food Task Force: Inventory Of Cooking Oil In Central Java Is Sufficient

SEMARANG - The Food Task Force (Satgas) of the Central Java Regional Police said the supply of cooking oil to meet the needs of the community was still sufficient.

Head of the Sub-directorate of Industry, Trade and Investment of the Ditkrimsus Polda Central Java AKBP Rosyid Hartanto said checking on cooking oil supplies had been carried out at 150 points in this province.

From the results of the inspection, he said, it was known that the daily needs of the community reached 41,492 liters, while the supply of cooking oil on the market reached 47,229 liters.

During the inspection, according to AKBP Rosyid, the Food Task Force found a buildup of cooking oil stocks in a number of depots and warehouses in the Pekalongan Regency area.

Reported by Antara, Saturday, March 19, AKBP Rosyid explained that the Food Task Force of the Pekalongan Police had been asked to submit a report on the findings of stockpiles that had accumulated on the grounds that the owner of cooking oil did not want to lose because he bought the commodity at the old price.

In addition to stockpiling, he said, the Central Java Police Food Task Force found many modern shops that did not sell cooking oil because they were running out of stock.

From the information obtained, according to him, the stock vacancy was caused by the fact that the delivery from the distributor had not yet arrived.

Based on the monitoring of the Central Java Police Food Task Force, he said the availability of cooking oil in this area was still sufficient.