KPK Investigate Allegations Of Misappropriation Of Incentive Funds For The Tabanan Bali Region Through 7 Witnesses

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) suspects that several parties have attempted to misappropriate the Regional Incentive Fund (DID) of Tabanan, Bali. This allegation was then investigated from seven witnesses, including two farmers.

Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, said the witnesses were questioned on Wednesday, March 16, at the Tabanan Resort Police Office.

Those who were called were the Head of Tabanan Library and Archives Head, Dewa Ayu Sri Budiarti; Secretary of Bappelitbangda Tabanan, Made Dedy Darmasaputra; and the Tabanan civil servant, I Kadek Suardana Dwi Putra.

In addition, there were also other witnesses, namely two private parties, I Gede Made Suarjana and Ni Komang Widiantari; and two Farmers, I Wayan Suec A and I Wayan Geledet.

"Witnesses were present and confirmed, among other things, related to the order from parties related to this case to propose DID funds and the alleged use of DID funds that were not in accordance with their designation," said Ali in a written statement, Thursday, March 17.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) admits that it is conducting an investigation related to alleged riots related to the process of administering incentive funds in Tabanan Regency, Bali.

Investigators have even conducted searches in a number of locations such as the PUPR office, Bappelitbang, Tabanan Regional Finance Agency, DPRD, as well as the residences of parties related to the case.

Even so, the KPK has not explained the suspects and the modus operandi. The complete information on the results of this investigation will be conveyed in its entirety if there is sufficient evidence and forced detention efforts are made.