KPPPA Guards Cases Of Middle School Students Raped By Teachers In Lampung

JAKARTA - Deputy for Child Special Protection at the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Nahar, said that his party will oversee the process of handling cases of sexual violence against junior high school students perpetrated by unscrupulous teachers in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung.

"The PPPA Ministry regrets the occurrence of cases of sexual violence in the school environment, which is an educational institution for teaching and learning. Schools that should be safe places for children have turned out to be places where cases of sexual violence perpetrated by unscrupulous school teachers have occurred to their students," said Nahar, quoted by Antara. , Tuesday, March 15.

The Ministry of PPPA through the Bandar Lampung Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (PPPA) has carried out outreach and assistance to victims for post-mortem at the hospital, provided psychological services and facilitated safe houses for victims during the mentoring process to avoid media coverage and the harassment of the perpetrator's family.

The Ministry of PPPA also ensures that government policies and regulations can be carried out in the legal process by prioritizing the best interests of children and from the perspective of victims and perpetrators that they are given appropriate legal rewards to provide a deterrent effect.

Nahar said that the disclosure of cases of sexual violence that occurred to students by school teachers could cause panic in the community. However, on the other hand, it can also provide encouragement to the community to report cases of violence that they encounter or occur to themselves.

Previously, a case of sexual violence against a junior high school (SMP) student (15) by an unscrupulous teacher (28) was revealed because the victim's parents reported it to the Kedaton Police.

The modus operandi of the perpetrator is to ask the victim to come to school on the grounds that there is a school assignment that has not been completed by the victim on March 10, 2022. The victim was raped in a classroom. The perpetrator also threatened the victim.

The perpetrator has now been arrested and named a suspect.