Suddenly Doni Salmanan's Wife Appears At The Criminal Investigation Unit, Wears An All Black Shirt And Asks For Prayer
JAKARTA - Doni Salmanan's wife, Dinan Fajrina, suddenly came to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police to undergo an examination. Even though in today's agenda, it is known that investigators did not schedule an examination.
According to VOI monitoring in the field, Dinan, who was wearing a black shirt wrapped in a headscarf and a black mask, arrived at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police at 13:44 WIB. She is with several attorneys.
Not many statements were made. She only asked for prayers from all parties so that the process carried out ran smoothly.
"Please pray for me", said Dinan.
The Criminal Investigation Department is known to have rescheduled the examination of Doni Salmanan's wife, Dinan Fajrina, and her manager, which was originally scheduled to be questioned today. They said they were tired. Investigators plan, the examination will take place next week.
"If you don't come today, it will be Monday (March 21, ed)", said Head of Sub-Directorate I of the Cyber Crime Directorate of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Commissioner Reinhard Hutagaol.
However, when asked about the statement by Doni Salmanan's attorney, Ikbar Firdaus, who said the examination would be carried out tomorrow, Reinhard emphasized that the time for the examination would be by the summons issued.
Moreover, the timing of the examination was based on several considerations. Including the fatigue factor which is the reason for their absence today.
"(Call for inspection, ed) It depends on our summons", said Reinhard.