Photographer Winston Gomez Shares Secrets Of Taking Celebrity Photos

JAKARTA - Winston Gomez is one of the best Indonesian photographers who is most sought after by celebrities because of his work. A number of artists such as Aurel Hermansyah, Prilly Latuconsina, and Luna Maya trusted Winston to capture their precious moments. The shots are sharp and feel alive, making Winston also flooded with jobs photographing famous brands' merchandise.

(Cre: Winston Gomez Private Collection)

Met by VOI some time ago in the Kelapa Gading area, Winston shared a number of tips for those of you who want to take celebrity-style photos. For Winston, confidence is the key. If you want good photos but don't feel confident about your appearance, then it's hard to make that wish come true.

The second tip is to choose a celebrity who you want to be a role model in taking pictures. From here, you can easily imitate the style of celebrity photo shoots, even with the confidence that radiates from these celebrities.

(Cre: Winston Gomez Private Collection)

Not only providing photo tips for non-celebrities, Winston also shares advice for influencers to maintain their fame from their photos. Consistency in uploading and setting photo quality are important things that influencers need to pay attention to.

“Every day I have to upload photos. Because when you become an influencer, it means that someone is willing to share content every day for followers," said Winston.

“For photos, the quality must be decent. Indeed, the photo must be proper or organized, not spontaneous and careless. Must have a sense of value that must be offered to followers," concluded Winston.