IDI Chairman Sukoharjo Delivers Message: Doctor Sunardi's Family Has Been Sincere And Will Not Prolong The Problem

SUKOHARJO - The chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) of Sukoharjo Regency, Arif Budi Satria, brought a message after performing a pilgrimage at the residence of Doctor Sunardi, a terrorist suspect who was shot by Densus 88 AT in Sukoharjo. Arif said that the family was sincere with Sunardi's departure.

Arif explained that Sunardi's family considered the qodho and qodar that befell the late Sunardi, were the best.

"The family also stated that they would not file a lawsuit against the case and stated that they accepted it sincerely," said doctor Arif based on information received by the editor from the Central Java Police, Monday, March 14.

One of Sunardi's sons, continued Arif, doctor Musa twice stated that his family accepted the death of the deceased sincerely and had no intention of taking legal action against him.

"At a meeting at the funeral home on Friday (11 March) the son of doctor Sunardi (doctor Musa) stated that. On Saturday (12 March) he also confirmed the same thing. When contacted by telephone the family also kept the statement that the family accepted it sincerely and have no intention of prolonging this case."

IDI Sukoharjo, still said doctor Arif, has a moral obligation to provide assistance when a member is struck by a disaster.

"We help trauma healing for the family. That's why we pay a visit to the family of the deceased," he explained.

It is known, Sunardi is listed as an active member of IDI Sukoharjo Regency, and diligently takes care of membership renewal and his practice permit.

Arif revealed that the Hilal Ahmar Society official also opened a practice in Sukoharjo, precisely in Gayam Village, as well as at one of the Islamic boarding schools in Polokarto.

As IDI administrator, Arif admitted that he had held an audience with the Sukoharjo Police and received information that Sunardi's case was not related to the medical profession.

"We have conducted gatherings and clarifications at the Sukoharjo Police. At that time there was also the Sukoharjo Police Chief, Grand Commissioner Adjutant of Police Wahyu Nugroho and the Head of Public Information Grand Commissioner Iqbal Alqudusy," he said.