Coordinating Minister For Political, Legal And Security Affairs Mahfud MD Asks ASN Not To Consider Extortion A Natural Thing

BENGKULU - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD appealed to all state civil servants (ASN) to abolish the natural connotation of illegal levies (extortion) in all public services. with public services free from extortion. "The connotation of assuming that this kind of extortion is natural does not only occur in central ministries or institutions, but also many at the regional level, even the smallest level at the RT, RW level; and this connotation is not allowed," Mahfud said in Bengkulu, Saturday, March 12. According to him, charging service fees without a valid regulatory basis, even if the value is small, cannot be justified. Commitment to providing services without extortion is an attitude of avoiding corrupt actions and behavior, he added. He also reminded that every action and violation has a risk as a consequence, both small and large violations. Meanwhile, Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah said the Bengkulu Provincial Government together with local government institutions and universities in Bengkulu are committed to implementing free practices from extortion in providing services to the community. Rohidin explained that free practices from extortion can improve the quality of public services, build optimism, and build trust from the community.

By implementing this extortion-free practice, the local government is able to convince investors to invest in Bumi Rafflesia and build the integrity of public services. Young and productive people must stop because of mistakes with a nominal value of hundreds of thousands," he was quoted as saying by Antara. Through Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 87 of 2016 concerning the Task Force for Sweeping Illegal Charges, he said ASN ranks should be able to distinguish between extortion and corruption, so that they can avoid Meanwhile, the Regent of Kepahiang Hidayatullah Sjahid said the Unit for the Eradication of Extortion (UPP) Saber Pungli, Kepahiang Regency received the best predicate in Bengkulu Province, thus realizing the declaration of Kepahian Regency's commitment as an area free from extortion. "We are committed to providing services free from extortion. up to de level sa; and this is supported by community leaders, religious leaders. Hopefully the practices of extortion in Kepahiang Regency can be avoided," he said.