China's Computer Security Authority Says Its Country Continues To Experience Cyberattacks From The US And Its Allies

JAKARTA - China claims to have experienced continuous cyber attacks since last February, in which internet addresses from the United States were used to take control of Chinese computers, which then targeted Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. This was reported by the Xinhua news agency, on Friday, March 11.

The news agency quoted a statement from China's National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center (CNCERT/CC), a cybersecurity technical center that leads efforts to prevent and detect cybersecurity threats to China.

"Monitoring by CNCERT/CC found that since late February, China's internet has been constantly facing cyber attacks from abroad. These foreign groups attacked by taking over computers in China to carry out cyber attacks on Russia, Ukraine and Belarus," wrote the report, as quoted by Reuters.

"After analysis, most of the addresses for this attack came from the United States," the report added. The report also stated that some of the attacks also came from other countries such as Germany and the Netherlands.

Cyber attacks have become a major point of tension between the United States and its allies with China. Previously, because the United States accused China of carrying out a global cyber-espionage campaign.

On the other hand, China has said it was not involved in the cyberattack and called such accusations an "evil stain".