TPKS Bill Still A Question Mark, PPPA Minister: The Ball Is In The DPR

JAKARTA - Further discussion of the Draft Law (RUU) on the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS) is still a question mark. There is no sign of this bill being discussed by the government with the DPR.

The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (Minister of PPPA), I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati admitted that she was still waiting for the DPR's call to discuss the TPKS Bill. He said, currently the ball is in the people's representatives.

"We are ready to wait for an invitation from the DPR to hold a work meeting and other discussions. We ask for your support," said Bintang, after visiting a child who was a victim of forced violence in Makassar, as reported by Antara, Saturday, March 12.

The Minister of PPPA added that so far there has been no summons for a meeting from the DPR to discuss the TPKS Bill. However, his party respects the busyness of the members of the council, considering that the draft was initiated by the DPR RI.

"We respect it. We are from the government itself (participating), because this is a draft law initiated by the DPR," he said.

"So, when we received the draft academic paper from the DPR, we from the government responded quickly, in less than 14 days out of the two months prepared. We do not know day and night," he continued.

With regard to coordination with regional police (polda) law enforcers, Minister Bintang said, every visit to the region certainly cannot be separated from receiving various inputs in realizing the implementation of the TPKS Bill later.

"Well, how do we equate perceptions with law enforcers in a woman-friendly and child-friendly perspective. We hope that cases handled by the police, whenever an incident occurs, wherever and whoever the perpetrator is, must be resolved in a demanding and fast manner," said the Minister. PPPA.

Previously, the Deputy Chair of the MPR RI Lestari Moerdijat asked the DPR and the Government to immediately discuss the process of discussing the TPKS Bill.

"I hope that the joint discussion of the TPKS Bill can soon be carried out with high effectiveness and results that meet our expectations," said Lestari Moerdijat in a written statement received in Jakarta.