RI Bawaslu Hopes For Better Synergy To Succeed In The 2024 Election

JAKARTA - RI General Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) member Mochammad Afifuddin hopes that his side's synergy with the Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU), civil society, voters, and political parties will be better for the success of the 2024 General Election. civilians and other parties are getting better at responding to challenges and making the 2024 election successful," said Afifuddin when he was a speaker at the public discussion of the Independent Election Monitoring Committee (KIPP) entitled "Organizing the 2024 Election in the Middle of Democratic Regression", as monitored virtually in Jakarta, Friday, March 11. According to him, some of the challenges that must be resolved to make the 2024 election successful are the potential for vote transfer, violations of election rules, and money politics. elements of the Indonesian nation to understand and obey the rules-at urans related to the implementation of elections. Understanding and adherence to these rules, he said, can make the implementation of elections in Indonesia better. many parties," he said.

Afifuddin also expressed his views related to the discourse on postponing the election or extending the presidential term which was voiced by a number of parties. In other words, the discourse should not be realized if it is contrary to the constitution in force in the country. where. On the other hand, we do not react to it in a position against the regulation," said Afifuddin.