Former KPK Employee Reports Firli Bahuri To The Supervisory Board, This Time Because Of SMS Blast

JAKARTA - The head of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri has again been reported to the Supervisory Board. He was reported for allegedly using the KPK facility in the form of SMS Blast which was financed by the state for his personal interests.

This report was submitted by former KPK employees who are members of the Indonesia Calling (IM) 57+ Institute today, Friday, March 11.

IM57+ Senior Investigator Rizka Anunata said Firli was suspected of using SMS Blast to convey messages that were not related to the implementation of his duties and responsibilities as the head of the anti-corruption commission.

"The report submitted relates to the allegation that the Chairman of the KPK has arbitrarily used KPK facilities financed by the state budget for his personal interests in the form of sending SMS messages that are not related to the implementation of his duties and responsibilities as the Chair of the KPK," Rizka said in a written statement quoted Friday, 11 March.

Rizka explained that there were a number of people who received SMS Blast from the Indonesian KPK which later went viral on social media. The short message reads: Perfect humans are not humans who never make mistakes, but humans who always learn from mistakes. Chairperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia.

The sound of this message then became the spotlight. Moreover, at the end of the message only on behalf of the Chairman of the KPK and there is no anti-corruption message or anything related to Firli's duties as chairman.

IM57+ stated that the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) did mention that there was an SMS Blast procurement for the purpose of reporting on state officials' assets with a budget of Rp. 999.2 million. However, this agency never mentioned whether the budget was also used for the message on Firli's behalf.

"As for the issue of whether the SMS Blast Chairperson of the KPK uses the SMS Blast e-LHKPN budget, the Acting Spokesman Ali Fikri has never clearly clarified. If he doesn't use the budget, the next thing to question is where the budget came from," said Rizka

With these various conditions, IM57+ suspects Firli has violated the Basic Values of Integrity as stated in Article 4 paragraph (1) letter d, paragraph (1) letter o, and paragraph (2) letter i of the Regulation of the Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia Number 02 Year 2020 concerning the Enforcement of the Corruption Eradication Commission's Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.

"We suspect that the reported party has arbitrarily used KPK facilities financed by the state budget for his personal interests in the form of using SMS Blast messages," he said.

"We hope that the Supervisory Board will examine this report, process it, and then be able to look for other evidence so that it becomes stronger and more complete, in accordance with the authority of the Supervisory Board, which is not limited to the evidence submitted by the complainant," added Rizka.

For information, this week, Firli Bahuri was also reported to the Supervisory Board by the Alumni of the Journalism Against Corruption (AJLK) 2020 Alumni, Korneles Materay.

The former deputy for prosecution of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was reported because he gave an award to his wife, Ardina Safitri, who created the KPK hymn and march. According to him, what Firli did was a conflict of interest.

"We view that this husband-wife relationship is thick with the nuances of a conflict of interest," said Korneles after submitting a report to the KPK Supervisory Board, Wednesday, March 9.