Argue For Postponement Of Elections: PDIP Touches 9 Fractions Agree On February 14, 2024, PKB Insists People's Will Is Needed

JAKARTA - The discourse on postponing the 2024 General Election is still being rolled out. The National Awakening Party (PKB) as the proponent remains adamant that the election can be postponed for the next two years. In fact, the six parties, including PAN and Golkar, have firmly stated that they reject the postponement of the election.

Although President Joko Widodo has stated his position, it is considered that there is still no confirmation. Recently, the general chairman of the political party actually started holding meetings.

Most recently, on Thursday, March 10, the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, visited the General Chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh at his headquarters. Airlangga assessed that the political party leaders needed to meet to discuss the proposal. But NasDem admitted that it would not be proactive in initiating the meeting.

On the same day, PDIP and PKB actually had an argument in Parliament. PDIP emphasized that the discourse of postponing the election is no longer a debate. This is because 9 factions have clearly agreed that the election will be held on February 14, 2024. Meanwhile, PKB is still reluctant to submit proposals.

According to PDIP, the discourse on postponing the 2024 Simultaneous Elections does not need to be a long debate, if all returned to the decisions of the 9 political party factions in the DPR RI together with the government and election organizers.

Member of Commission II of the DPR RI from the PDIP faction, Muhammad Rifqinizamy Karsayuda, reminded that as many as 9 factions in parliament have agreed that the election will take place on February 14, 2024.

"Commission II of the DPR RI from all factions has agreed that the implementation of collection and counting will be carried out on February 14, 2024, and I think this is something that is clear, we don't need to argue too long," said Rifqi at the Parliament Complex, Thursday, March 10.

The PDIP legislator added that the president's term of office has been stipulated in the constitution, which means that he can serve a maximum of two terms of five years each.

"I think this fits perfectly with the PDI-P's political platform, which continues to prioritize Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution," said Rifqi.

According to him, the discourse of postponing the election again is tantamount to voicing that amendments to the constitution are made. This is what PDIP does not want because it will have more negative impacts than the benefits of the amendment.

“If the amendment is opened, it will certainly become a pandora's box for the nation's process. Because, of course, it's not just about electoral issues that are relevant to be discussed, but that's something else," he said.

Meanwhile, a member of the PKB faction, Jazilul Fawaid, emphasized that his party will continue to support the discourse of postponing the 2024 General Election. However, PKB realizes that to realize this, the support and will of the people are needed.

"Yes, we will move forward, if we received support from the people. If we don't get support, how will we go forward?" said Jazilul at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Thursday, March 10.

The deputy head of the PKB continued that his party was also considering the will of the people regarding the discourse on postponing the 2024 election.

Regarding the constitutional amendment to present the State Policy Principles (PPHN), the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR said the matter was still being studied more deeply. The expectation of the presence of PPHN through amendments is also said to require community support.

"Surely everything will be taken into consideration. After all, this has not reached anything. It's the same with the discourse on the amendment of the GBHN (PPHN) for years. It has also remained silent," said Jazilul.

"Because of what? We need a long study, we need the will of the people, we need a mechanism," he added.

Meanwhile, regarding the discourse on postponing the election, Jazilul emphasized that it was not regulated in the 1945 Constitution. Therefore, the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR said that there needed to be a deeper discussion whether postponing the election should be regulated in the Constitution or not.

"Our constitution does not provide for a postponement. So, we from the PKB faction will certainly continue to discuss it and at the same time discuss whether or not it is necessary to regulate the postponement in the constitution," concluded Jazilul.