Revealed, This Is The Reason For Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine February 24: Ahead Of Kyiv's Plan To Attack Donbass In March 2022

JAKARTA - The Russian Ministry of Defense revealed Kyiv's preparations to carry out an offensive operation in Donbass this March, through classified documents that they managed to confiscate during a special military operation.

"During the special military operation, the secret documents of the command of the Ukrainian National Guard became the property of the Russian military. These documents confirm the secret preparations by the Kyiv regime for the offensive operation in Donbas scheduled for March 2022," Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov told Sputnik News, March 9.

The Russian Ministry of Defense recalls well the statements made by the Kyiv regime, circulated in February by the Western media, about the alleged absence of an armed seizure of the People's Republic of Lugansk and Donetsk (LPR, DPR). As well as a desire to resolve all issues by political and diplomatic means, he said.

"However, the original documents from the secret military documents of the Ukrainian National Guard clearly prove the falsity of that statement," Konashenkov stressed.

He further revealed that the Ministry of Defense has an order from the Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine, Colonel General Mykola Balan, dated January 22, 2022, which describes in detail the plans to prepare for the attack on Donbass.

Measures to build up Ukrainian military capabilities in the Donbass area were carried out by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from January 19, according to the documents obtained.

The above-mentioned directive was issued "to carry out the measures prescribed by the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine No. 39/304/78 of January 19, 2022, in order to increase the grouping capabilities of the combined forces on the territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions."

"This can also be seen as paying significant attention to the issue of personnel selection, evaluation of all those involved by psychologists and ensuring their high motivation," added Major General Igor Konashenkov.

The document also contains instructions for all activities aimed at achieving "nationalist combat coordination" to be completed by February 28, to ensure the fulfillment of combat missions as part of Ukraine's "Joint Forces Operations" in Donbas, according to Konashenkov.

"Russian special military operations, launched on February 24, have thus preempted and thwarted large-scale attacks by strike groups of Ukrainian troops in the people's republics of Lugansk and Donetsk," Konashenkov stressed.

He added that the Ukrainian military units planned to be used in the Donbas attack had been trained by US and British instructors in Lvov since 2016.