Far From The City, Trenggalek Regency Government Asked To Build Health Facilities In Coastal Areas

TRENGGALEK - The government of Trenggalek Regency, East Java is expected to be more proactive in developing the provision of health facilities in local coastal areas so that public services in the health sector are more evenly distributed.

"Actually, the health service units already exist. However, the facilities are still limited. This is what we think should be further improved," said the chairman of Commission IV of the Trenggalek DPRD, Sukarudin in Trenggalek, Tuesday, March 8.

With complete and qualified health facilities, it is hoped that public services can be more complete.

Health centers on the coast have the capacity of a hospital that has the capacity and competence in terms of health services that are more diverse but still cheap for residents.

Moreover, the puskesmas also serve JKN-KIS. "We ask for the health centers that are far from the city to have relatively better facilities and infrastructure compared to the health centers which are close to the city," he said.

He then gave an example of the condition of the people in the coastal areas of Watulimo, Munjungan and Panggul.

Due to its geographical condition that is far from the city center, residents' access to complete health services at the hospital is far away.

Time-consuming mileage increases the risk of death in emergency patients who require immediate medical attention.

"Because Watulimo is far from the city. Then there are many community activity centers in the field of fisheries. Not if the southern crossing (JLS) already exists, then the port is already running and so on. So we need to prepare adequate health facilities by way of the Watulimo Health Center developed," he said, quoted by Antara.

However, to develop the Watulimo Health Center, admitted Sukarudin, it requires quite a long process.

One of the constraining factors is limited land.

For this reason, Commission IV of the Trenggalek DPRD encourages local government organizations to carry out land acquisition to support efforts to maximize health infrastructure in the coastal area.

"We have looked there, it turns out that the land has run out. So we ask, it is obligatory in 2023 to develop the Watulimo Health Center. At least once for land acquisition for development. Long-term gratitude, the class has increased to become a hospital, such as the Panggul Hospital," said Sukarudin.