Build Gasblock, PGN Commits To Promote Balkondes Karangrejo Magelang

JAKARTA - Gas subholding PT Pertamina (Persero), PT PGN Tbk is committed to advancing the Village Economic Center (Balkondes) in Karangrejo Village, Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, as well as supporting the government's super-priority destination program through the construction of Gasblocks.

The Gasblock Facility is the newest icon of the PGN Karangrejo Balkondes as a manifestation of energy interaction and collaboration, both natural gas, which is environmentally friendly, and the PGN Energy Village which is unique, beautiful, and rich in Indonesian culture.

PGN's press release quoted in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Monday, March 7, stated that several new facilities were added to increase comfort and attract tourists.

To realize energy collaboration in the beautiful landscape of Borobudur, through PGN Solution, PGN built a 3,900-meter gas pipeline to serve 204 natural gas network connections for residents around the balconydes in Kretek and Bumen hamlets.

As a new icon, Gasblock installed a monument meter regulating system (MRS) size G.1600, which is usually used for industrial customers and bulk customers with pipe diameters of 12 inches and 16 inches.

Furthermore, using natural gas energy for water heater homestays, balconies, as well as torch tables and eternal fire torches at several points.

"The purpose of building the Karangrejo Balkondes is a forum and a form of unity between the company and the community in increasing community economic empowerment. In addition, it also introduces Karangrejo Village as an energy village," said General Manager Sales Operation Region 3 East Java Region (SOR 3) PGN Iwan Yuli Widyastato in his remarks at the PGN Karangrejo Balkondes celebration.

Karangrejo Energy Village has been certified which proves that the homestay service is reliable.

Balkondes PGN Karangrejo has homestay services, which consist of four family units, two couples, and four single rooms. In addition, there are also restaurants, meeting rooms, and weeding rooms.

"It is hoped that the presence of PGN will encourage economic progress and community empowerment independently and sustainably in accordance with the spirit of energizing the Pertamina Gas Subholding community," said Iwan.

Subianto, as the Camat of Borobudur, said that the cooperation between the community and the village government in the construction of the Balkondes PGN Karangrejo is expected to be a role model for 19 other villages in Borobudur.

"God willing, soon we will become an independent sub-district, starting with a village that is budget-independent. Karangrejo village is one of the villages in Borobudur that has budget independence, so it is not only based on village funds," he said. Balconies and all profits from tourism activities go to the village, thus providing a positive impact on the community.

Subianto said that despite the pandemic, PGN Karangrejo Balkondes could get income of up to Rp. 200 million. "Very proud and grateful to PGN for accompanying us in Borobudur, especially in Karangrejo," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Karangrejo Village, M. Heli Rofikun, explained that Karangrejo must be the supporter of the existence of Borobudur Temple.

This Balkondes is also one of the mainstays of Karangrejo tourism which provides income for the village, as well as many residents working in the hall.

"Alhamdulillah, our tourism development is supported by PGN. In addition to the Balconydes, the development of new spots is also provided by PGN," said Heli.