The Circular Of The COVID-19 Task Force Regarding The Pandemic Is Excited, Really?

JAKARTA - Circulating information containing pieces of circulars of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 in the WhatsApp messaging application group. The narrative that developed in the inclusion of the SE cut was that the pandemic had been revoked and declared invalid.

This piece of SE Number 9 of 2022 was signed by the Head of the COVID-19 Task Force as well as the Head of the Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Suharyanto as of March 2, 2022. Is it true that the pandemic status has been revoked as narrated?

Answering that, Plt. The Head of the National Disaster Management Agency for Disaster Management, Abdul Muhari, emphasized that the narrative that the pandemic status had been revoked was untrue or a hoax.

"The spread of information about the SE Headquarters for Handling COVID-19 Task Force Number 9/2022 with a written statement that COVID-19 is revoked and is not valid is not true," said Abdul Muhari in his statement, Sunday, March 6.

In fact, said Abdul Muhari, this is a cut from the last page of the Circular (SE) of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Number 9 of 2022 concerning Health Protocols for Overseas Travel During a Pandemic.

"The letter signed by the Head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Lt. Gen. Suharyanto did not state that COVID-19 was revoked, but that it revoked the previous Circular Letter Number 7 of 2022 concerning Health Protocols for Overseas Travel During the COVID-19 Pandemic," he explained.

The following is the complete sentence at the conclusion of SE No. 9 of 2022:

H. Closing

1. This Circular Letter is effective as of March 2, 2022 until a time to be determined later.

2. With the enactment of this Circular Letter, Circular Letter Number 7 of 2022 concerning Health Protocols for Overseas Travel During the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic is revoked and declared invalid.