114 Rohingya Immigrants Stranded In Aceh

JAKARTA - A total of 114 ethnic Rohingya immigrants were stranded in Kuala Muara Raja, Kuala District, Bireuen Regency, Aceh.

Panglima Laot Bireuen Badruddin, who was contacted by Antara from Banda Aceh on Sunday, said the Rohingya immigrants were stranded in Kuala Muara, Sunday at around 02.00 WIB.

"Currently, the Rohingya immigrants are placed in meunasah Gampong or Alue Buya Pasie Village in Ganda Pura District, Bireune Regency," said Bireuen.

Badruddin said as many as 114 Rohingya immigrants including 68 adult men and 21 adult women and 35 children.

Badruddin said his party had reported the stranding of hundreds of Rohingya immigrants related parties. In addition, his party also asked for further handling instructions

"Most likely, the Rohingya immigrants will be taken to a temporary shelter in Lhokseumawe. However, we do not know when they will be transferred," said Bireuen.