Muhammadiyah Youth: Jokowi Is Enough For Two Periods!

JAMBI - Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Youth Center (PP) Sunanto said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was sufficient to serve as the head of state of the Republic of Indonesia for two terms and become the Father of the Nation.

"(President Jokowi) Two terms are enough, be the Father of the Nation," said Sunanto when giving a speech at the opening of the Muhammadiyah Youth Tanwir II at the Ratu Convention Center (RCC) Jambi City, Friday, February 4.

Sunanto, who is familiarly called Cak Nanto, said that with the fulfillment of the president's position for two terms, Jokowi will provide great space and opportunity to anyone who has the qualities to become a leader.

"Muhammadiyah youth also want to continue to contribute to building the nation. We will always distribute the best cadres," he added.

Tanwir Pemuda Muhammadiyah II in 2022 raised the theme "Stateman Youth Movement", which became the right value to give birth to young statesman candidates.

Sunanto said that Muhammdiyah is an open Islamic community organization (ormas) and is ready to collaborate in the movement for enlightenment.

"Never doubt the love of Muhammadiyah Youth for this nation and country," he said.

Meanwhile, President Joko Widodo, when opening the Muhammadiyah Youth Tanwir II through a video conference, invited Muhammadiyah Youth to jointly build the foundation of Indonesia's future.

"With the spirit of amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, let's together build the foundation of Indonesia's future," said the President.

Jokowi also asked Muhammadiyah Youth to prepare cadres who are able to adapt to all challenges. In addition, Jokowi hopes that Muhammadiyah Youth will be at the forefront of change.

"Muhammadiyah youth must be pioneers in realizing an advanced Indonesia," he added.

On that occasion, Jokowi also reminded that handling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is a big challenge for the Indonesian people to continue to realize the ideals of an advanced Indonesia.

"The pandemic must not stop us. We must be able to get out of middle-income countries," said the President.

He also invited all parties to work hard to catch up with Indonesia from other countries, both in the fields of infrastructure, industry, food, digital, and human resources (HR).

"We want Indonesia to be on par with other developed countries, strong and competitive. Not a loser country and become a target market for other countries," said the President.

Also present at the opening of the Muhammadiyah Youth Tanwir II was the Head of the Intelligence and Security Agency (Kabaintelkam) of the National Police, Komjen Pol. Ahmad Dofiri, Jambi Governor Al Haris, representatives of the Jambi Province Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda), and Jambi Province Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders (PW) Suhaimi Chan.
