Mahfud MD Revealed Many Modes Of Transferring Corruption Assets From Domestic To Foreign

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD revealed that there are still many corruption actors who move their assets from Indonesia to abroad so that they are not detected. This is based on the report of the Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis (PPATK).

"The PPATK report states that there are still many modes of transferring assets from corruption proceeds abroad," said Mahfud when he was a keynote speaker at the Kick Off G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group event broadcast on the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Friday, March 4.

After being transferred, he continued, the assets were then taken according to the needs of the perpetrators. This is something that must be followed up by all parties, including the global world.

Mahfud mentioned that money laundering has indeed become one of the important global issues to be discussed. The reason is that this action is a transactional crime that requires the cooperation of all parties.

Therefore, it is hoped that the implementation of the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group will also discuss the crime of money laundering (TPPU). However, Mahfud reminded that the discussion must still pay attention to the legal system in each country.

"This effort is expected to detect modes of asset concealment, such as the mode of international trade transactions, cash smuggling modes, stock trading modes, and so on," said Mahfud.

It didn't stop there, the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) also said that the role of the KPK and PPATK in preventing money laundering was very necessary. In addition, the two institutions are expected to be able to collaborate with the global world.

"Strengthening across agencies and across countries is expected to be able to meet the challenges of optimally saving assets resulting from crime," said Mahfud.

"This is where the role of the KPK and the role of the financial transaction reporting and analysis center or PPATK in global collaboration is very much needed," he concluded.