PKB Still Struggles To Discuss Postponement Of Elections Through 'One Table Forum' Containing The President, Head Of Political Parties To The People's Consultative Assembly

JAKARTA - The National Awakening Party (PKB) responded to the survey results of the majority of the people who rejected the discourse of postponing the 2024 General Election or extending the term of office of President Joko Widodo.

PKB Deputy Secretary General Luqman Hakim said he would forward the findings of the survey to the PKB General Chair, Muhaimin Iskandar as the proposer. Even so, PKB views the rejection as not the end. PKB instead proposes high-ranking state officials to sit down together to discuss this issue, including President Jokowi.

Luqman explained, because the discourse on postponing the election has become a conversation and is considered a national problem, it is better to have a meeting of the nation's leaders and sit down at one table to reach a common consensus.

"A one-table forum can be held with the president involving all general chairpersons of political parties, chairman of the DPR, chairman of the DPD, chairman of the MPR, heads of state institutions, leaders of mass organizations, and representatives of other competent parties," said Luqman, Friday, March 4.

The chairman of GP Ansor claimed that the proposal was better discussed 'on the table' than just gossiping and hiding like fire in the husks. PKB still hopes for support. "If it is not approved, then this problem will be buried together and we will hold the 2024 General Election," he said.

The deputy chairman of Commission II of the DPR explained that the reason his party had proposed postponing the election was due to uncertainty in the community.

"One of the aims of PKB to openly convey to the public the aspirations of some people and certain groups who want the postponement of the 2024 General Election is that as soon as possible a definite national consensus can be drawn. So that the community, nation and state do not continue to sway in uncertainty," he explained. .

Luqman admitted, actually PKB hopes that election certainty can be achieved on January 24, 2022 when the KPU, DPR and government agree that the time for voting will be taken on February 14, 2024. But in fact, he said, there are several parties who want Jokowi's term to be extended or the election postponed. Then, the proposal was submitted directly to the chairman of the PKB Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin.

"The PKB, at that time, believed that those who previously wanted to extend the presidential term until 2027 would end their maneuvers. However, it turns out that after the official decision on the election date was made by the KPU together with the DPR and the government, there are still parties who want "The postponement/cancellation of the 2024 election for various reasons. This fact was revealed from the aspirations of some groups that were submitted to the General Chairperson of the PKB H Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar," he said.

That's why, added Luqman, finally PKB opened this issue to the public. He hopes the parties and the government can sit together to confirm with certainty that elections will be held in 2024.

"By opening this issue to the public, PKB hopes that a definite national consensus can be reached as soon as possible. Certainty in the implementation of elections is very important for the community, political parties and the government," he concluded. It is known, the results of a survey by the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) revealed that the majority of people rejected the discourse of postponing the 2024 elections which had implications for the extension of the president's term of office. The results of this sigi show that around 68-71 percent of residents refuse to extend the presidential term, either for reasons of the pandemic, economic recovery due to the pandemic, or the construction of the National Capital.

"According to the majority of residents, President Joko Widodo's term of office must end in 2024 according to the constitution," said LSI Director Djayadi Hanan, Thursday, March 3.